How to solve today’s Wordle.
Wednesday is named after the Norse god, Odin. When people talk about Odin—the Allfather—they often compare Odin to Zeus, since both were the kings of their respective pantheons. Both Zeus and Odin had to fight and vanquish family members to claim their respective thrones.
Zeus toppled his father, Cronus, the king of the Titans. Odin fought his grandfather, Ymir, the cosmic frost giant. Zeus ruled from Olympus, and Odin from Asgard. But the similarities between the two end here. Zeus is portrayed as a mighty god, thunderbolt in hand, ruling from atop a high mountain. Odin is more mysterious, wandering around disguised as a wanderer or a raven. He is the god of poets, a seeker of knowledge and wisdom.
Zeus was a god of enormous appetites, seducing mortal and immortal women, and a man of equally quick temper. Odin was more mild-mannered and subtle.
But both loved birds! Zeus had a giant golden eagle named Aetos Dios as a companion. Odin kept two ravens, Huginn and Muninn along with his pair of wolves, Geri and Freki. His horse, Sleipner, had eight legs and could ride across oceans and the sky.
Okay, enough mythology. Let’s do this Wordle!
Today’s Wordle
I’m not sure why I guessed skein—which can mean a loosely coiled thread of yarn, or a complicated situation, or a flock of geese—but it seemed like a good word and when it popped into my head I went with it. How lucky it turned out to be!
Only two words remained to me at this point, though I admit I thought of three possibilities. Along with sedan and seven a third word that probably isn’t in the answer pool. You can figure it out for yourself. In any case, I leaned toward seven at first (because of the Brad Pitt/Edward Norton film) but ultimately went with something that didn’t include a double letter. I had to pick one and I did and it was right.
And that makes me the winner! Wordle Bot took three guesses. Tallying my score that equals:
2 points for guessing in just two + 1 point for beating Wordle Bot = 3 points! Huzzah!!
Have an excellent Odin’s Day, dearest Wordlers!