How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well it’s Tuesday and we’re ten days into the new year already. 10 down, 355 to go. We’re in a regular 365-day-year in 2023. 2024 will be a leap year—which means February gets one extra. By my calculations, that means that on February 29th, 2024 we’ll get Wordle #985. The next February 29th will be in the year 2028, and unless they’ve added more words to the Wordle pile, the game will have run out by then—or perhaps evolved into six-letter words or simply began again, in a new cycle.
Something about Wordle always makes me think about time. Dates. Calendars. The etymology of months and days. Perhaps it’s because I’ve never journaled, and this Wordle guide/column/whatever has become a place for daily ruminations. Not the sort you might put in a journal or diary—nothing that personal for all the world to see—but ruminations nonetheless. February 29th, 2028 is 2,446 days from now. Over five years into the future. Where will we all be then?
My daughter will be nearing her 21st birthday. My son will be nearing his 18th. I’ll be on the other side of 45, staring down the barrel of my 50’s. Where will America be? The global economy? War and peace? Climate change? Who will be our president?
It’s best not to think too much about such things. I have a better idea. Let’s do a Wordle.
Today’s Wordle Solution (with spoilers!)
The Hint: Dirty, filthy, messy, greasy.
The Clue: There are 1.5 vowels in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
You know, I thought for sure I had it on my second guess—grime—as soon as the ‘G’ and the ‘R’ started flipping over to green. I knew the ‘I’ was right, after all. Then the ‘M’ flipped over green and I thought “YES! TODAY I SHALL DEFEAT THE BOT!”
Alas, ‘twas not to be. Align got me so close, with just 8 remaining possible solutions. But my near-2nd-guess-win was squashed like a bug when the ‘E’ flipped over grey. Of course, there was only one (very obvious solution after that) and it was grimy for the W! Unfortunately, Wordle Bot also got it in 3, so we tied.
That’s 1 point for getting it in 3 guesses and zero points for tying the bot for a 1 point total score. I’ll take it! Huzzah!
Further Reading:
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