How to solve today’s Wordle.
Two interesting things happened on this day, January 8th, in American history.
In 1790, the very first President of the United States of America, George Washington, delivered the very first state of the union address. Senator William Maclay described the proceeding: “The President was dressed in second morning, and read his speech well. The senate headed by their president were on his right The House of Representatives …. With their speaker were on his left…”. The speech was 1,089 words, the shortest state of the union ever given.
45 years later, in 1835, the US national debt was $0 for the first—and only—time in history. I doubt we will ever see that number again for as long as the Republic stands. The President at the time was Andrew Jackson, who served from 1829 to 1837. Unfortunately, this was soon followed by the Panic of 1837, a run on the banks and a nearly decade-long depression. Hopefully we’re not headed into something similar.
On that note, let’s do this Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: Phantoms. Butterflies. Flutes. Barbers.
The Clue: There are more vowels than consonants in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Huzzah! This is the first Wordle I’ve nabbed in just two guesses in weeks! I have video games to thank for this one. I guessed steam because I’ve been playing a lot of PC games on Steam lately and it seemed like a good opening word. I had no idea how great it was until I guessed my second even luckier guess, opera.
It turns out, steam brought my total possible solutions down to just 3, leaving me with opera, hyena and arena as choices. To be honest, once I came up with opera I just went with it, and didn’t even get to hyena or arena (which are fun to say together, it turns out). In any case, this was a great, lucky win on this fine Sunday. I also beat Wordle Bot by two guesses. He got it in four going slate / armed / berry / opera.
So that’s 2 points for guessing it in just 2 and 1 point for beating Wordle Bot for a total of 3 points! Winner winner, chicken dinner! (Yes, I devised a scoring system for my competitive Wordle vs the Bot).