Wordle, Wordle, Wordle. A Wordle yesterday, a Wordle today. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace of Wordles from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time. To Wordle or not to Wordle, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to solve a Wordle or to take arms against a sea of Wordle Bots, and by opposing—end them.
Look, I’m just sprinkling the word ‘Wordle’ into various famous Shakespeare lines and I’m not going to apologize for it. Sometimes you just have to write the first thing that leaps into your brain, and today it was Hamlet telling Polonius that he knew him well. “You are a fishmonger!”
I regret my Wordle post yesterday, however. I rambled on about January and how it came to be and all that, some of which is interesting stuff, but neglected to say that it also happened to be the birthday of fantasy author and linguist J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord Of The Rings. It would have been his 131st birthday, the very same age that Bilbo Baggins was when he left the Shire and Middle-earth forever, sailing from the Grey Havens with his nephew Frodo as well as Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel, never to return.
There. Now I’ve included it somewhere and I feel better. Let’s do this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle (SPOILERS!)
The Hint: Ogres have these. So do some cakes.
The Clue: Some will say this word has two vowels; other will say three.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Yikes! This did not go as well as I hoped it would! Grain wasn’t even a terrible guess, leaving me with 168 possible solutions—not an exciting number but not horrible, either. But from here, my guesses just sort of flopped.
Spoke crossed off quite a few options but only added one yellow box. Wordle Bot is right to say I should have gone with tales which would have at least given me the ‘A’ and ‘E’ in green and a yellow ‘L’. Thanks Captain Hindsight!
From here I guessed water (I was thinking of going with amber but I remembered we already had that as an answer) which finally got me three green boxes but left me with 8 remaining possible solutions. Even though I didn’t know how many I had left, I could tell it was quite a few. I just picked one—racer—and went with it. Alas, both ‘R’ and ‘C’ were no good.
Fortunately, I finally got lucky and guessed layer. I want to give myself a huzzah but I just can’t do it. Wordle Bot solved this one in just three! Nooooooo!!!
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/01/03/todays-wordle-564-hints-clues-and-answer-for-wednesday-january-4th/