Well, the holidays are officially over. Christmas has come and gone. New Year’s Eve and Day are in our rear view mirror. 2023 is spread out before us like new fallen snow—pure and untarnished for just a little while longer. What will we make of it? What will it make of us?
I have some resolutions. They are—unfortunately—the same ones I have pretty much every year. Lose weight, get in better shape, get more sleep, take better care of myself. Eat healthier, no booze. Lose more weight. All that jazz. As always, I am typically my own worst enemy. Perhaps this year will be different. Perhaps I’ve grown wiser. Perhaps I’ll have better self-discipline this time around, to curtail my appetites.
I also plan to solve every single Wordle this year, and find a couple other games to add to my daily routine. For now, let’s solve this thing!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: Kilt-adjacent.
The Clue: This word has far more consonants than vowels.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I’m very pleased with this one. Brail was a pretty unique starting word, if I do say so myself, and ended up being pretty perfect with just 87 words remaining. My second guess—shout—makes me wanna shout! Kick my heels up and shout! because it left me with just one possible solution, and it only took me about ten seconds to figure out what that was: Skirt, for the win!
Better yet, Wordle Bot took 4 guesses today, guessing slate / pinot / shift / skirt. Nice try, Wordle Bot, but no cigar!
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/01/01/todays-wordle-562-hints-clues-and-answer-for-monday-january-2nd-2023/