How to solve the Christmas Wordle.
It’s Christmas at last, which means I’ll be brief. I love Christmas. I love the lights and the tree and the lore. I love the family time and the food (we’ve been doing different cuisines each year—Italian, Hawaiian etc.) and the music.
I don’t love the commercialism or the pressure I feel around presents, but I love how excited the kids are to open their gifts. I suppose I feel a little bittersweet about that this year. My kids are 12 and 15 (and-a-half, each) and I miss it when they were younger, when they still believed in Santa Claus. When they say “They grow up so fast” it’s true.
Sigh. Such is life. Such is parenting. My children are the greatest gifts I could ever ask for in the wide, wide world and to me they’ll always be my kiddos, no matter how old they are. But I do miss those innocent years.
Enough sentimentality! Let’s do this Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (with spoilers!)
The Hint: Read all about it!
The Clue: This word contains an 8-point Scrabble letter.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
So this is crazy, folks. Almost like an extra Christmas present. Today, my opening guess—cheer, for the day in question—left me with 163 remaining possibilities. My next guess—relax—brought that number down to just 1. Well look at my guesses for yesterday:
See that? 163 / 1 / answer. The same exact stats as today! Since I’m no mathematician, I’m not even sure how to divine what the odds are that two days in a row, with two totally different guesses and answers, I would get the same exact numbers like this. They must be very, very, exceedingly low.
In any case, Merry Christmas everybody!