How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s winter at long last. Yesterday was the Winter Solstice and today is officially the first full day of the new season.
Yesterday was the shortest day—and longest night—of the year. From here on out, days lengthen, daylight begins its long encroachment against the dark, and we plummet forward into the frost.
Unless, of course, you happen to be in the Southern Hemisphere. Then you’ve just had your Summer Solstice and the nights will begin to lengthen as the days grow shorter (and warmer).
I think I need to take a trip to Australia or New Zealand. Winter’s only just begun and I’m already ready for Spring!
Okay, let’s Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (with spoilers!)
The Hint: Stan Lee’s catchphrase.
The Clue: There’s a double letter in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
I really wanted to go with a winter-themed word but chill and frost just didn’t ring true. I started thinking about how we were at the beginning of a new season instead, and the word early came to mind (maybe because I no longer have to get up early to take kids to school thanks to Christmas Break! Huzzah!)
It seemed appropriate and had the added benefit of including two vowels as well as ‘Y’. It also ended up being extraordinarily lucky, slashing the remaining solutions down to just ten!
Here, I admit I got a little stuck. So many words that start with E contain and A or a Y, like eagle or ebony. I actually meant to type in exist not exits but rather than delete and retype I figured it hardly makes a difference! We exist until we exit this borrowed life. I was not expecting the ‘X’ to be a correct letter, let alone already green.
At this point there were two options left that I could think of: excel and expel. I had a great big Excel spreadsheet open on my second monitor and figured…why not? With a 50/50 chance, I took the plunge and got the win! Double huzzah!
Nay, triple huzzah! Wordle Bot took four guesses today!