How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s the last full day of the third season of the year, Autumn, and the shortest day of the year. Winter begins tomorrow Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 4:48 P.M. EST. That means Wednesday will be the shortest day of the year. Days grew steadily shorter since the Summer Solstice, and after tomorrow will grow steadily longer for the next six months.
It’s no accident that the Winter Solstice and Christmas are so close on the calendar. The linking of Jesus’s birth to the return of the sun and to the Sun God in various cultures, including Roman and Scandinavian cultures, made sense for the early Christian Church, with the even more important Easter celebration taking place just ahead of the Spring Equinox.
In terms of daylight, it’s all uphill from here, folks!
Let’s do this Wordle!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle (Spoilers!)
The Hint: Think about the seasons.
The Clue: Only one vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Here we have another example of the curated version of Wordle, though today’s answer isn’t obviously related to the seasons. Still, this is the last day of Autumn—which I noted above is the third season of the year. Then again, in some ways I suppose you could think of it as the fourth season of the year if you start with Winter and end with Fall—so this could just be coincidence. I’m curious to see if we get any themed words on the Solstice or Christmas/New Year’s.
My guesses were as good as Wordle Bot’s today. We tied—which is better than yesterday!
Final was my attempt at guessing a possible themed word. It’s the final day of Fall. That left me with 165 options. Spire cleaved that number down to just two. I had a 50/50 shot between third and quirk though truthfully, I only came up with third and didn’t even realize quirk was an option until I ran the Wordle Bot analysis afterward.
I suppose it’s fitting to guess third on guess #3. Huzzah! Enjoy your last day of Autumn!
Winter is coming.