How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s nearly Christmas, which is what I’m blaming for my current woes: PC problems.
I think my main PC is jealous because I was considering building a new one. I’m eyeing all these newer components—the latest and greatest CPUs and GPUs (pricey!)—and getting a bit carried away since my current gaming rig is perfectly fine. Or was fine.
This weekend it started acting out. I’ve had to fire up a different machine to type this post because it won’t go past the BIOS screen and also won’t let me press the key that takes me into the BIOS, which means I’m basically stuck. Really not sure how to resolve a boot issue if I can’t access Windows or the BIOS!
I don’t need this crap right now!
In any case, let’s do this Wordle and then I can get back to figuring this out. Let’s do it!
Today’s Wordle Solution
The Hint: Candles and ramblers each do this.
The Clue: There are more consonants than vowels in this word.
The Answer:
So that was a bit of a challenge! My opening guess wasn’t the best or the worst. 205 remaining solutions isn’t ideal but I’ve had far worse. Drone is a decent opening word usually but today it was ‘meh.’
I was happy to get four yellow boxes in guess #2—significantly reducing my options, though it’s tough to get it in 3 when you have still have 13 choices (of course, I didn’t know that at the time, but I could think of quite a few).
Alter was a good guess, turning two boxes green and leaving me with just a handful of possibilities. I went with the first word that came to mind: taper. As luck would have it, as all those possible solutions tapered away, I was left with a 1 in 4 chance to get it right and I did.
Wordle Bot also took 4 to get the answer, so we tie. I’m happy with a tie!