How to solve today’s Wordle.
December 15th, good grief. Here we are, smackdab in the middle of the final month of 2022. Ten days until Father Christmas magics his girth down everyone’s chimney at the same exact time. Coal in my stocking, no doubt. It’s been that kind of year.
Just kidding. I haven’t been that bad. Not coal-in-stockings bad. I figure I’m pretty much walking the tightrope between naughty and nice these days. It is what it is.
And I’ve been pretty good at Wordle, so that must count for something!
Today’s is a good one. Let’s do it!
How To Solve Today’s Wordle (Spoilers!)
The Hint: I think of Wordle Bot as this to me.
The Clue: There are more consonants than vowels in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
This is such a fitting word for a day where I get the answer in just two guesses! I’m going to pre-huzzah for a couple reasons:
- First off, two guesses! My opening guess was crazy good, leaving me with just one remaining possible solution. That’s quite literally the second best opening guess you can get short of a hole in one, which I’ve still never gotten. Alas. Still, rainy was a helluva lucky guess. Either that or I’m some kind of mad genius, take your pick.
- Second, the word of the day is rival and it just so happens that my arch-rival is Wordle Bot. Guess how many guesses it took the old bot today? If you guessed three, you’d be wrong. It took Wordle Bot four guesses today, meaning I beat my rival by two.
That calls for a double huzzah if you ask me. Huzzah!!
Have a great Thor’s Day, dearest Wordlers ol’ pals.