How to solve today’s Wordle.
Happy Thanksgiving, dearest Wordlers! This is perhaps my very favorite holiday of the year. It’s like Christmas without the gifts (and pressure and commercialism associated with gift-giving) though I love Christmas also, mainly for the same reasons I love Thanksgiving.
I suppose I like the lights and wintry coziness of Christmas also. I love driving around and seeing all the houses decorated with colorful lights. I love the smell of a Christmas tree in my home. I love Christmas music and all the little rituals around it. I just don’t like how it’s become this crazy shopping season where everyone has to go out and get stressed out finding the perfect gifts for everyone. You are the gift. We are all the gift. Spending time with loved ones is the gift. Not everyone has that. Not everyone is that lucky.
And that’s the great thing about Thanksgiving. It might not have the lights and music, but it’s all about spending time with friends and family and remembering what it is we’re grateful for. Well, that and eating a bunch of delicious food (while trying to save the world from turkey domination).
For my part, I sure am grateful for Wordle! It’s been such a fun treat to write these guides all year long and I’m so grateful to you, dear readers, for tagging along and listening to me ramble every day! Let’s do this.
Today’s Wordle Solution (Gobble Gobble Gobble Spoilers)
The Hint: Guess something today-themed.
The Clue: This word’s two vowels are back-to-back.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Okay Wordle. Clearly you’re being edited and cultivated now. We knew that was the case when the New York Times announced a new editor and changes to the types of solutions we’d be seeing going forward. A part of me is happy that there’s themed answers now; a part of me worries that it’s too on the nose. What do you think?
I certainly tried to guess based on Thanksgiving. I took the first part of the word grateful and used it as my opening guess. I thought thanks might be good (and it wouldn’t have been bad at all) but I worried about the lack of vowels. Still, thanks would have gotten me the same green ‘A’ plus a yellow ‘S’ and ‘T’.
Grate narrowed my options down to just 13 but as soon as I realized I could spell feast I went with it, not really thinking it would work. When all five letters turned up green—I was pretty grateful! This is also where humans have an edge. Wordle Bot guessed beast for his second guess. So close, buddy!
This is my second day in a row to get the answer in just 2. That’s not too shabby!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Be excellent to each other!