How to solve today’s Wordle.
Somehow, November is two-thirds of the way over already. Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching—with the Black Friday shopping chaos spilling over into the holiday and even the days leading up to it. I admit, I find the whole thing a bit grotesque, like a black tumor growing out of one of our most important feast days and celebrations.
It’s interesting. Every year we hear about the ‘War On Christmas’ but it’s so glaringly obvious that it’s the commercialized Christmas itself that’s the problem. There’s a war on Thanksgiving, and it’s all about the Sales! Sales! Sales! so we can buy stuff for each other and spend all that spending money and help grow the economy and stress and fret over getting just the right gifts for people.
I think there should be an age limit on Christmas presents the same way you stop trick-or-treating when you get to be too old. Christmas should be a celebration that doesn’t require all this stuff. It’s fun to get your kids presents and see them light up when they see them under the tree and all the rest, but it gets to be too much and, well, the ‘true meaning of Christmas’ is lost in the fray, and no matter how many movies we watch about said ‘true meaning of Christmas’ or whatever your pastors and priests remind you of at church, it seems we all keeping losing the thread year after year. The ‘spirit of Christmas’ certainly doesn’t seem to trickle down to the rest of the year.
But enough grouchy old man shaking his fist at clouds. Let’s Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (With Spoilers!)
The Hint: You can only be this when you’re afraid.
The Clue: This word ends with a vowel.
The Answer:
Wordle Solution
Honestly, I wanted to do a word that has to do with zombies because the final episode of The Walking Dead airs this evening—which is kind of crazy since it really seemed like they’d keep pushing out seasons of that show long past its expiration date. I couldn’t think of anything, though, so I went with stoke.
It wasn’t a great opener, though it got me the green ‘E’ at least. 191 solutions remained. Gauze brought that number down to 33, which is still quite a few. I probably should have guessed something with the ‘E’ just to narrow things down more, but by guess #3 I felt a little boxed in so I went with plane. With nine solutions remaining (though, again, I didn’t know this until I consulted with Wordle Bot afterwards) things were looking a bit brighter. I though of crane but the ‘N’ had been greyed out so I swapped it with a ‘V’ and guessed crave.
This got me much closer. So close I knew what the answer had to be: Brave. The only time you can be brave is when you’re afraid.
I’m afraid . . . that Wordle Bot beat me today. He got the Wordle in just four while it took me a dismal five. Oh well! Them’s the breaks!