How to solve today’s Wordle.
Tis the season for sicknesses it seems. My kids and I are in a rotating cycle of various colds and maladies that doesn’t appear to have an expiration date. Round and round we go, coughing and sneezing, feverish and wheezing. It’s no fun. So yesterday I went ahead and got a COVID booster and a flu shot, just to hopefully head off any more illness that may come my way.
I’m sick of being sick. I’m sick of kids missing school because they’re sick. I suppose the one silver lining is that we’re all in this together. It feels like half the town is sick!
It’s the pandemic’s fault, of course. This is what isolation leads to. Everyone’s immunity is shot and all these bugs were just waiting to rush back and stomp everyone and everything they could find. Hopefully it just means we’ll all come out the other side a bit more resilient. I’m also hoping we’re all back to normal by Thanksgiving.
Alright, enough about sickness! Let’s Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: Both an aggressive expression and a tangle.
The Clue: There’s but a lone vowel in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Snarl. Now that’s a great word. It has so much character. It sounds so much like what it means, and that’s weird because it means two totally different things: The aggressive, toothy expression a person or beast makes when they’re angry and hostile, or a knot or tangle of some sort, either literal or figurative.
My guesses got to this word faster than I expected. Virus was on my mind for obvious reasons, but I didn’t think it would do this well. 82 remaining words! Not half bad! From here, gloat did the rest of the dirty work. I didn’t know it at the time, but only two options remained, and I could only think of snarl. It wasn’t until I ran the Wordle Bot analysis that I realized laser could have also worked.
Wordle Bot and I tied this one. He guessed slate / child / snarl. Snarling children, oh boy. Have a great Tuesday!