How to solve today’s Wordle.
It’s November 9th, which means we’re nearly a third of the way through November already. What the heck. I feel like Halloween was just a day or three ago. Stop it, time. Just stop it.
I’m mostly over my ridiculous respiratory cold that took me out for the majority of October, thank the gods and angels. I’ve been back in the gym and it feels good to be back, though I’m too winded and out of shape for my liking.
Naturally, now that I’m back to making healthy choices and taking care of myself, my daughter is once again sick with another bad cold—sore throat, fever, body aches, etc. My chances of catching it from her seem pretty high.
Which is stupid. I’m so sick of being sick. It’s exhausting. Oh well. All you can do is keep on keeping on, as the saying goes.
Let’s burn this Wordle to the ground, shall we?
Today’s Wordle Solution Guide (Spoilers!)
The Hint: . . . but that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red . . . .
The Clue: This word has two vowels and two consonants and one letter that swings both ways.
The Answer:
Wordle Today
Today’s Wordle is fitting, as we’re supposed to get a mixture of rain and snow here today.
Yesterday was the perfect Fall day—crisp and cool but still nice enough to walk around in my gym clothes while I worked out in the yard. I have myriad indoor and outdoor projects, but with weather on the way I figured I should (mostly) focus on the yards. I still haven’t gotten to raking the leaves, but I will! Or I’ll have the minions do it.
In any case, my first guess was kind of a fun one, I thought. Belay is a climbing term. Both my kids like to climb at the rock gym. I have a fear of heights and would rather walk into traffic. But it’s still a cool word. And it slashed the number of possible solutions down to just 90.
My second guess was also fun, and quite excellent in many ways—a great reaver of possibilities, cleaving through the remaining options until just two remained. And frankly, I could only think of one: rainy.
The other was carny, apparently, though unless I’d just been to a carnival and had quite literally just been remarking on how rude that carny was in the Ferris wheel line, I doubt I’d ever have come up with that word. I see carn I start to think carnivore or carne asada.
In any case, rainy for the win! And that’s a tie with ye olde Wordle Bot who guessed slate / corny / rainy. What a lucky bot.
Be well, Wednesday Wordlers!