How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well it’s voting day. Time to cast a ballot for your candidate of choice. The lesser of two evils. The new kid on the block.
I see politics quite cynically, if we’re being honest. We have, in America, two deeply entrenched parties whose ideologies often represent some form of legacy political positions and whose members are deeply wed to an often unfair and imbalanced system, regardless of party affiliation.
These entrenched, legacy, establishment politicians were, once upon a time, members of an up-and-coming outsider group of some kind (or represented themselves that way, at least). Now they’ve become the old and out-of-touch and must be supplanted by a new batch of future establishment politicians. Out with the old, in with the new—and yet little changes.
Democracy is all fine and good, but there’s no doubt that money speaks louder than anything, and the rich and powerful have enormous sway over our elected officials. Lobbying groups on both sides of the aisle work their black magic. Normal people are too busy with life—kids, work, bills and chores—to really keep up with everything, and too saturated by a divisive news media (and even more divisive social media climate) to think objectively about anything.
I think we all want change, but we rarely have much of an idea on what kind of change, how to enact it, what the long-term consequences might be. Every action has a reaction, but we can’t predict the future. I think that even our political class often enters the field with high ideals and noble goals. But how can you survive that line of work unscathed, ideals intact?
Ah well. Go vote! Vote with your conscience and vote with pragmatism—even if that means not voting. That’s a viable and honest choice sometimes, especially in a two-party system like ours. (South Park, as always, said it best). And don’t worry, the world isn’t ending. When it does, we’ll know it.
I realize I’m being both optimistic and cynical at the same time. What can I say? I am a man of contradictions.
And now for something completely different!
Today’s Wordle Solution & Guide (With Spoilers!)
The Hint: I put this on you because you’re mine.
The Clue: There’s a double letter in this word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Four isn’t bad. Wordle Bot got his in three, but four is fine. I feel good about these guesses. Cheap got me down to 38, so that was terrific. Moist cut that number in half, but Wordle Bot tells me slant would have been better.
It’s true. I gave it a shot using slant instead (which I wouldn’t normally use since I knew that the ‘A’ was already out) and it brought my total possible solutions down to just one: spell, the final answer. But this seems like the kind of advice you only give as Captain Hindsight. Without knowing that the final answer is spell sure other letters would make more sense than reusing a dud ‘A’ . . . right?
In any case, I got there one guess later and I’m okay with that. Hoorays, Huzzahs and Hell Yeahs all around!
Now go vote! (Or don’t, it’s your choice—just make it for the right reasons).