How to solve today’s Wordle.
Wordle Wordle burning bright.
In the puzzles of the night;
What immortal hand you see
To play you first, then Spelling Bee?
In what distant deeps or skies
Can we guess in just six tries?
On what wings dare we aspire
To guess again lest we expire?
What the drill? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp?
These words have letters five and so does clasp!
Okay I’ll stop. I thought to myself “Wordle Wordle” and then bam William Blake’s The Tyger popped into my brain and I thought to myself, “Oh hey I bet I could turn that weird poem into a Wordle poem! But it turns out that there’s just not that much to work with here.
Seriously, though, some great five-letter words in that last stanza for your future guesses. This is a great reason to read more poetry. You’ll pick up some great vocabulary to help with Wordle and other puzzle games!
So let’s do it!
Today’s Wordle Solution (with Spoilers!)
The Hint: Once framed as a kind of devilry that could capture someone’s very soul!
The Clue: This word has a duplicate vowel in it.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle
Like that hint? Not only were people once suspicious—and superstitious—about photographs, believing their soul could be imprisoned in the photo, I also included two very big hints in my wording. I said that the answer was once “framed” and could “capture” someone’s soul—words that are very closely related to photo.
In any case, I was quite lucky today and burned through this one extremely fast. Spate was an attempt to use a word so close to Wordle Bot’s favorite—slate—without being dreadfully dull and using the one everyone uses. It narrowed down the field to just 6 remaining possible guesses, which ain’t half bad.
I considered trying words with ‘T’ and ‘P’ in them but decided I’d try to eliminate some letters instead. Ghoul would let me check on two more vowels and the ‘H’ which could go with either a ‘P’ or a ‘T’ quite nicely. This was a good guess, reducing total possibilities to just one, though I didn’t realize that until later.
Still, I knew that the word had HOT in the middle and once I popped the ‘P’ in the front (the only place it made sense) I knew it had to be photo. You can’t spell photo without hot, as they say! (Do they say that?)
I beat Wordle Bot again today. He guessed slate / briny / motto / photo which was just spectacularly worse than my guesses so there!
Huzzah for me and Huzzah for thee! Huzzah for thy dread symmetry! Be well, Wordlers!
Play today’s Wordle over at The New York Times. See your Wordle Bot analysis right here. Be sure to follow me on my blog to stay up to date on all my Wordle and non-Wordle posts! It’s free to subscribe and I’m trying to up my follower-count so you’d be doing me a solid. Thanks!