How to solve today’s Wordle.
We’ve made it to the final week of October, a month that I’ve now spent mostly being sick and feeling sorry for myself, which just makes me sick of my own self-pity. Which makes me sick in body and spirit. I’m sick of it. (So that’s body, spirit and mind! Sick all around!)
After this stretch I may go get a COVID booster and a flu shot because I’m paranoid at this point and just can’t handle another two or three week illness. I wan to run! I want to lift weights and get swole! I want to raid English villages with my Viking brethren!
That is a life goal, actually. Well, a version of it anyways. I’m often described as looking the part of a Viking, and I’d love to be at least an extra in some TV show or movie about Vikings (I’m looking at you, Norsemen). But I need to train and get strong and learn how to fight with sword and axe before that can happen. A fondness for mead and beautiful women can only get you so far in life as a Viking warrior.
In any case, Vikings are also known for their great love of word puzzle games, so let’s do today’s Wordle shall we? Skål!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: How are tectonic plates and blame games alike?
The Clue: There are two vowels in today’s word.
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle solution
Six! This one took me six guesses and had me sweating by the end. And it wasn’t even because I made any grievous mistakes. I think these are all pretty good guesses. Even Wordle Bot said my opening guess—spore—was a good one, just unlucky today leaving me with 378 possible solutions.
Claim was also a good guess, narrowing that field to just 26. But here’s where things got a bit dicey. Bundy (which I thought was a clever way to check for a ‘U’ and a ‘Y’ at the same time) left me with five remaining words and only three remaining rows. I still didn’t have a single letter in a Green box.
When I thought of laugh I thought I was going to tie it all up in a bow and be done, but alas, that was not to be. I had my vowels in green, thank the word gods, but ‘L’ was still yellow. I thought of vault next and while I knew it could be either that or fault, I had to pick one. Four green boxes later, I had one more guess and hoped to high heaven I’d be right.
Fault was a winner and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. I’m not sure I deserve a huzzah today, but that’s not my fault. Not really. Wordle Bot got this one in four, the smug bastard. Slate / taint / vault / fault. Another notch in the machine’s belt. We’re that much closer to Terminator becoming reality.
Happy Monday, folks. We’re a week out from Halloween!