How to solve today’s Wordle.
Well, the weekend has been pretty good so far on my end. My 15-year-old and I crushed a three hour hike up and down a mountain. We call the trail Mordor because it’s the kind of trail you simply don’t walk. It’s more of a climb. The trail itself has been all but washed away by floods and fires. It’s treacherous.
But at the top you come to aspen groves turning yellow and thick lovely pine.
Then I made a pretty awesome ‘Fakes-giving’ dinner and stuffed my face.
Okay, onto the Wordle!
Today’s Wordle Solution (Spoilers!)
The Hint: A casual greeting.
The Clue: Often accompanied by the word ‘Y’all.’
The Answer:
Today’s Wordle solution
Ha! Take that Wordle Bot! TAKE THAT! Bwahahahahahahaha!!!
I solved today’s Wordle two steps faster than the damnable robot. How’s them apples???
This is why I don’t recommend using the ‘best’ starting word every day. Today, my starting—paint—word was terrible. It left me with 886 possible remaining options. Not great at all.
But showy turned the tables big time, bringing 886 down to just 1. I didn’t know it at the time, of course, and I very nearly entered the word howly because I just couldn’t think of anything else. Saying it out loud helped (I recommend that when you’re in a pickle). I immediately heard howdy and thought “Well, it might work—let’s give it a shot.”
I was worried it wasn’t one of the 2,309 possible Wordle solutions but it was. And the winner! Huzzah!