Today’s Wordle.
We’re down to the wire, folks. We’ve reached the end of August, and everything after remains shrouded in mystery. Will September be a time of wonder and amazement, or calamity and chaos? Will the rain fall or the summer heat bake us to a crisp?
It’s a good thing we don’t know the future. I’m all for knowledge and I believe that a healthy understanding of the past is not just important, but crucial to the struggles ahead and to crafting a better, more humane and equitable world. But foreknowledge? No thank you. Knowing what’s to come would drive anyone mad. It’s not natural. And every prophecy is self-fufilling.
Think how boring Wordle would be if we knew the answers ahead of time? Or anything, for that matter. Or how crippling knowledge of our death would be (some suggest it would be liberating, but I doubt that).
But while we may not know what tomorrow’s Wordle is, we can take a crack at today’s. So let’s do that, shall we?
Today’s Wordle #436 Answer, Hint & Clue
You know the drill, folks. Thar be spoilers in this here post, ye landlubbers. Argh!
The Hint: Head boss.
The Clue: There are two vowels but only one vowel sound in this word.
The Answer:
Wordle #436 Solution
Hallelujah! Got this one in just two!
[Insert happy baby dancing GIF]
Yeah, both these guesses were super lucky, though I had some good reasoning to get me to #2, if I do say so myself.
Spire was a word that I came up with thanks to House of the Dragon and The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power. These fantasy shows are filled with dragons and knights and swords and princesses and various towers and so forth. Tower would also be a good opening guess, but I went with spire, which is more evocative of a very tall, pointy tower.
This got me an ‘I’ in green and an ‘E’ in yellow. The ‘E’ was crucial here, because I knew it couldn’t be in the last block and I remembered the old spelling rule: ‘I’ before ‘E’ except after ‘C.’ This made me think the ‘E’ was most likely going to be in the fourth box.
I tried to think of a word that was THIE something and considered thief and then I thought about it some more and that ‘C’ in the above rule made me think, well maybe it’s chief instead. And so now I had thief or chief to guess and I just picked one. If I’d guessed thief I would have gotten chief on guess #3, but I got lucky.
Actually, there were 21 words remaining after spire so I got really, really lucky this time. Luck is like that, though. Hell, yesterday I almost missed the word. My opening guess left nearly seven hundred possible solutions open! Oof.
Be well, dearest Wordlers. May your week be filled with little joys and small victories that don’t require anyone else to lose.