Here’s today’s Wordle #414 solution plus a helpful hint.
Well the summer is almost over—if you’re my kids.
Summer itself will traipse along until September 21st this year, with Autumn unfurling on the 22nd. But my kids head back to school this coming Wednesday. What a bummer to have such lovely days and have to be stuck in a classroom. They should do school outside until it gets cold out. Kids need to learn how to play outside better these days anyways!
**shakes fist at clouds**
In any case, come rain or shine, school or summer—winter, spring or fall—we’ll be here doing our daily Wordle. I had my best guesses in months on today’s, which I take as a good omen.
Let’s take a look at Wordle #414 on this lovely Saturday.
Today’s Wordle #414 Hint & Answer
But naturally there are spoilers. You’ve been warned!
The hint: You can do this to your political opponents, or to your butter toast.
The answer:
Today’s Wordle
Holy cow! I got it in just two! I can’t even remember the last time I got a Wordle in just two guesses. Magnificent!
Wordle Bot honestly didn’t know what to say other than “You, Erik, are a god among men and should be made High King of all the Realms! Your Wordle-puzzle-solving prowess clearly knows no bounds! Praise you!”
I’m paraphrasing.
Anyways, shame, which I tried because I had such good luck with shine recently, got me one green and four yellows. I toyed around with the ‘AME’ and pretty quickly decided the word would likely end in ‘R’ and guessed smear. Well, shame left me with just two possible answers, it turns out: smear and steam and I was lucky enough to guess the right one.
Lucky you say? Why, luck has nothing to do with it! Just unbelievable talent, clearly!
Have a lovely weekend, dearest Wordlers. Stay safe and be excellent to each other.