Here’s today’s Wordle #362 answer plus a helpful hint.
Well it’s official. I have COVID-19. My daughter tested positive earlier this week and has been quite under the weather. I started feeling lousy and tested only to get a negative back. I tested again yesterday, since I felt so much worse and since it seemed unlikely we’d have two separate bugs, and got the positive. My son also tested positive later that day so we’re all just the happiest of happy campers.
Still, it could be worse. It feels like a nasty cold that makes even small tasks—like typing up this post or my review of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s 5th episode—quite challenging. And yes, I’m coughing a lot and the constant headache is no fun. But it’s mostly like a bad cold. I’m thrice-vaccinated and these later strains tend to be much less potent than earlier coronavirus strains, so getting it later on is lucky (though I still suspect I had it in early 2020 when I was sick for nearly two months).
Ironically, the coronavirus king himself, Dr. Fauci, came down with COVID-19 the same time as me. I’m calling shenanigans. It’s a conspiracy theory!
In any case, enough about my trials and tribulations. We’re here to Wordle. So let’s take a look at today’s Wordle of the day, shall we?
Today’s Wordle #362 Hint & Answer
Spoiler warning!!!!
First, today’s hint: How is a kitchen like a concert hall?
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle 362 answer
I admit, the hint was pretty tough today. Perhaps my illness has made me a little less generous, a little more crotchety. But an apron can indeed be found in both a kitchen and a concert hall or theater. In a kitchen it’s a garment you wear to protect your clothing from flour and tomato sauce and so forth. In a theater or concert hall, the apron is a section of the stage floor which projects towards or into the auditorium.
Of course, there are likely other things you can find in a kitchen and a concert hall. But this is a fairly easy word so I didn’t want to give it away too easily in the hint.
My guesses ended up being pretty good. Viral—which I used in honor of the coronavirus that has me in its clutches currently—normally only narrows down the possible solutions to 143 but this time I got lucky with 29. Arrow narrowed possible remaining solutions down to just 1—though Wordle Bot helpfully informed me that using tempo in this situation is better 76% of the time. Not this time, bot!
And yeah, my last guess was the only one remaining and after some brainstorming and going over the remaining letters, I came across apron pretty quickly. Now I’m going to go lay down. Have a lovely Thursday and stay safe and healthy!