Here’s today’s Wordle #243 solution.
Wordles, Wordles, Wordles. In another age, perhaps this would have been Hamlet’s response to Polonius when asked what it is he’s reading.
Of course, Hamlet was faking crazy when he answered, “Words, words, words.” That also happens to be an album/comedy routine/song by Bo Burnham.
Bo Burnham made some waves recently when he released the truly magnificent Inside on Netflix, which I simply cannot recommend enough.
Well, I certainly got very sidetracked just now! I guess when you write a daily Wordle guide, you have to change things up a bit. What can I say?
Okay, before we get to the solution for today’s Wordle, I’ll point you to a couple other links you might want to check out.
For Wordle noobs just getting started with the word puzzle game, check out my Wordle For Beginners primer, then hop over to my Tips & Tricks strategy guide.
Okay, now let’s take a look at today’s answer—though I’ll give you a hint before I give away the solution.
Today’s Wordle #243 Answer
Before we go further: SPOILER WARNING. The answer for today’s Wordle (make sure you’re on the NYTs website!) is forthcoming.
Also, a hint: Not stirred.
And the answer is . . .
Today’s Wordle is ‘SHAKE’
This one was pretty easy compared to some others we’ve encountered. I also had two lucky first guesses. Guess #1 got me the ‘A’ in the right spot, which isn’t a big deal. I just happened to guess SHARK next—a word that’s almost identical to today’s Wordle of the day, SHAKE.
I mean, once I had SHA in the right spot and a ‘K’ in the wrong spot, there was only one real option left. Boom! Shake it up baby! Twist and shout! (Two other possible Wordles, actually…)
Happy Wordling young padawans! It’s almost the weekend!
Further Wordle-Related Reading:
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