Here’s today’s Wordle word of the day #239.
It’s Sunday bloody Sunday and that means lazing about, maybe watching the Super Bowl (even if Madden NFL 22 has already forecast the winner) and, of course, solving today’s rather tricky Wordle!
It took me to the sixth, and final, guess to solve today’s Wordle! That’s a little close for comfort as far as I’m concerned. Still, I managed to get the right answer in the end and I’ll help you figure out the solution below.
I give a hint before I give away the answer, so definitely see if the hint helps before you read all the way through this post.
Today’s Wordle #239 Answer
Before we go any further, I must warn you of spoilers. Consider this your one and only spoiler warning. The answer for today’s Wordle approaches. Avert thine eyes lest thee be spoiled, oh thou puzzled puzzlers!
But first, a hint: Bats and birds.
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle #239 answer
As you can see, this Wordle almost got me! I barely eked this one out on the sixth guess. My first three guesses were almost useless, except to eliminate a bunch of letters including some very common ones like E, T, S and A.
I didn’t really have any success until GROIN, which finally boosted my correct letters from one to four, with two in the right spot. I really wanted the answer to be RONIN (basically the Samurai equivalent of a hedge knight!) but once that was off the table, the only possible word left (that I could think of) was ROBIN.
When you think of robins, do you picture the red-breasted bird or the Batman sidekick?
Thanks for reading, oh my Wordlers, and have a wonderful lazy Sunday!
Further Wordle-Related Reading:
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