TMS Network offering exceeds 2000%, Arbitrum & Aave left bruised

TMS Network (TMSN) captivates the crypto community with remarkable growth, raising a staggering $6 million since its coin offering event started. Its token gains of around 2,000% into the fourth presale phase overshadow platforms like Arbitrum (ARB) and Aave (AAVE).

This article will discuss each platform basis and disclose why TMS Network is a better investment choice than Arbitrum and Aave.

Arbitrum (ARB)

Arbitrum is a layer-two scaling solution leveraging smart contracts to develop a decentralized exchange where users can conduct cheap, lightning-fast transactions without intermediaries.

The Arbitrum (ARB) platform aims to achieve efficient, low-cost transaction processing with blockchain optimistic rollups, which involves moving all storage and computations off-chain.

Holders use the ARB token to vote on decisions associated with the exchange governance. But despite the Arbitrum (ARB) ecosystem’s excellent features, the token value has dropped continuously over the past few months.

The ARB token trades at $1 today, representing over a 90% value decline since its all-time high ($11.80-90.37%) in March 2023. It has also plunged by 0.48% in the last seven days.

Unlike the TMS Network (TMSN), with remarkable growth, the Arbitrum (ARB) token price is bearish. The loss of investor confidence and market sentiments could contribute to Arbitrum’s price troubles.

Aave (AAVE)

As a non-custodial borrowing platform, Aave facilitates the seamless transfer of digital assets. It’s a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum network allowing users to lend crypto and other real-world assets.

The Aave (AAVE) exchange specializes in overcollateralized loans where users deposit crypto worth more than they’re borrowing. It automates the process, preset rules for fee assessments, collaterals, and fund distribution using smart contracts.

AAVE token holders stake to earn from interests and vote on protocol updates. But unlike the TMS Network (TMSN), the token value of Aave (AAVE) has depreciated by 19.68% over the last three months.

The AAVE token value is over 78% below its last all-time high ($661.69 -90.64%) in May 2021 and currently trades at $55.23. The liquidation of FTX, a crypto exchange specializing in derivatives, in 2022 and the lack of network activity could explain the Aave price drop.

TMS Network

TMS Network (TMSN)

TMS Network is a decentralized exchange that aims to simplify trading by delivering faster execution and eliminating account registration. It seeks to develop a one-stop hub for buying and selling asset classes such as stocks, Forex, CFDs, Futures, and cryptocurrencies without KYC requirements.

TMS Network’s (TMSN) primary objective is to give users complete asset control by offering non-custodial portfolio management. It eliminates the need for third-party interference.

Providing educational resources such as trading webinars, guides, and video tutorials to help users develop skills and capitalize on market opportunities is one of TMS Network’s standout features.

The TMS Network platform users can access cutting-edge tools such as on-chain analytics, Artificial Intelligence trading bots, and strategy builders to make informed investment decisions. TMS Network (TMSN) token holders can enjoy full voting rights and earn a percentage of the platform’s overall trading commissions.

TMS Network has raised an incredible $6 million in liquidity since its coin offering event started and currently trades at $0.097. Its token gains of around 2,000% as it enters the fourth presale phase outrank competitors like Arbitrum and Aave.

Unsurprisingly, analysts rightly predict that the TMSN token value will continue multiplying after launch.


TMS Network’s (TMSN) full voting rights, educational resources, and innovative tools make it an excellent investment choice for crypto enthusiasts. Its impressive growth of nearly 2,000% token gains through its fourth presale phase outpaces platforms like Arbitrum and Aave.

Arbitrum (ARB) and Aave (AAVE) have unique features, but TMS Network (TMSN) is a standout performer due to its unified solution for all investment needs.

For more information about the TMS Network presale, follow the links below:-





