Here’s today’s Wordle #285 solution plus a helpful hint.
Once there was a word game that everybody played.
It was the most viral puzzle game that anyone has ever made.
The game they called it Wordle, it overcame every hurdle. It didn’t try to sell you stuff, but when it sold it was enough, a cool seven figure sum.
And every imitator, in the puzzle incubator, tried to capture the magic trick, of just what made it tick.
The Dordles doubled up the fun, there’s even one for Pokémon!
But in the end there’s only one, and that one we call it Wordle.
Welcome to Thursday, dearest Wordlers. Let’s take a look at today’s word of the day!
Today’s Worlde #285 Answer And Hint
Even though it’s rather boiler-plate, I’ll offer up this spoiler-gate, because it is a lousy fate to be spoiled (you see, I can relate). The answer to today’s Wordle lays in wait, so please turn back—it’s not too late!
But first, he said, his eyes aglint, I offer up this helpful hint:
Not the highest or most holy, but rather the meanest and most [ ]
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle #285 answer
This was a tricky word, though perhaps more tricky because my guesses just weren’t leading me down the right path.
Twine got me a yellow W and eliminated some common letters. Words was helpful enough, but only got me one more letter—a green ‘O’—and from there I felt a little stumped.
I tried noway because I couldn’t think of anything else, quite frankly, and I was surprised it even took the word (it’s not a word, right? That’s two words?) but at least it ended up giving me three greens.
Jowly was a weird guess also, but I wasn’t thinking of words with double letters. That came next, once I had four greens and the only word I could think of that ended in owly other than jowly was lowly.
And that was that! The lowly answer #285 for the win!
Thanks for reading! Have a great Thursday. The weekend approaches!
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