Growing up in Barbados as a little girl I would relish the end of year peak months when my sister and I would descend the wobbly limestone staircase to our family orchard; trying to outrun each other, yanking at the malleable stems of leafy shrubs, tin bowls under arms, popping off little spheres in hues of yellow, orange, red and green. Half of them would make their way into our mouths, the other half would get dropped into bowls that would invariably become a home to excited black ants. Tussles were not uncommon as we competed for the deepest reds, as they were always guaranteed to be rich and sweet.
For those who call Barbados home— much like the indigenous black belly sheep and green monkeys— Barbados cherries (referred to locally as Bajan cherries) have become a source of cultural identity and national pride. One of the top local swimwear lines bears the name of the native fruit and Barbados’ national hero, Rihanna has infused the extract throughout her skincare line. But for us as children, Bajan Cherries were a figment of delicious seasonal fun… and early morning routines… its name printed boldly on red cardboard boxes of concentrate from our local juice manufacturer, that my mother would water down each morning. We did not know, nor did we care about the health benefits or commercial potential of our local super fruit.
acerola tree and fruit
The Barbados cherry, otherwise known as Acerola or West Indian cherry is one of the richest natural sources of Vitamin C in existence— around 50 to 100 times than that of an orange or a lemon. One tiny fruit contains the total daily allowance of Vitamin C, with more than twice that in the under-ripe green fruit.
The potent berry carries phytonutrients like carotenoids phenolics, anthocyanins, and flavonoids which help the body to resist fungi, bacteria and viral infections, and is high in vitamins A, B1, B2, niacin, albumin, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.
Due to its high level of antioxidants, acerola can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, boost immunity and has been shown to boost collagen production and reverse skin damage from aging.
A 2018 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology referred to the Bajan cherry as an “untapped functional superfruit” that has created a buzz “among the scientific community and pharmaceutical companies over the last few years.”
In Barbados, most products made from the fruit are produced for home use or on a cottage industry scale. Leaves are dried to make teas, while the yellow-orange, soft, juicy pulp is used to make juices, jellies, jams, stews, sweets, ice creams and desserts.
Bajan songstress, Rihanna who has vivid recollections of a childhood spent enjoying the native superfood, has capitalized on its benefits.
“The Bajan cherry is something I grew up stealing from neighbors’ trees,” said Rihanna at a digital launch event for Fenty Skin. “My mom’s cousin had a cherry tree in her backyard. We used to have to run past the dogs to get to them. I thought I was just eating a good little cherry.”
The Barbados cherry is now a signature ingredient in Rihanna’s Fenty skincare line, most recently valued at $2.8 billion. In addition to locally-inspired exfoliants such as sea salt and superfine sand, her immensely popular Buffryder Exfoliating Body Scrub contains tropical fruit enzymes, coconut oil and— you guessed it— Bajan cherry, for its conditioning and softening effects. Fenty says that the product will “give your skin the Bajan beach treatment.” Barbados cherry is also known for being an astringent, similar to witch hazel and is a main ingredient in Fenty Skin’s Fat Water Niacinamide Pore-Refining Toner Serum.
Barbados cherries are a key ingredient in the Fenty Skin line of products
Trader Joes has also caught onto the hype, selling puree packets and juice shots made from pure Barbados cherries extracted in a high pressure process, that carry 1,010% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. The Heinz by Nature Baby Line is also capitalizing on the nutritive benefits of the super fruit and even MillerCoors is marketing a hard seltzer by the name of Vizzy, that features antioxidants derived from the highly potent cherry.
Manufacturers of supplements and powders have also attempted to capture the Vitamin C goodness of the Bajan cherry. Wholefoods says that its acerola powder “has a wonderfully tarty taste, and can be added to a variety of drinks, including smoothies, juices, shakes, but can also be sprinkled on yoghurts, muesli and oatmeal, amount other things.” French line, Kusmi tea, draws on the power of oranges and Barbados cherries in its immune boosting tea.
Kusmi Tea uses Barbados cherries in its immunity boosting tea
Not surprisingly, countries like Brazil, have begun to exploit the fruit commercially and have established a structured agro-industrial based market, producing frozen fruit, juices, jams and marmalades, and liquor.
In Barbados growing up, I never really came to any conscious awareness of the treasure that was in my own backyard. And in my naiveté I am probably no different than most Bajans. Despite its nutrient profile and “functional food” appeal, the Barbados cherry has been underutilized commercially and demands greater attention. Being a Bajan is a gift in itself— capitalizing on our riches would be the proverbial cherry on top.