They’re an Effect of Excess Tax Revenue

How do Apple, Google
and Microsoft
borrow at roughly the same rate of interest as the U.S. Treasury? This is not a trick question, but it would seem that the answer to this question is one that’s long tricked the hawks, scolds, and nailbiters who spend a lot of time worrying about “budget deficits.” Focused on the latter, they can’t grasp that they’re obsessing over a symptom of a problem, not the actual problem.

Apple, Google and Microsoft could provide clarity. These companies explain for precisely the reason that they can borrow so much so cheaply: they take in lots of dollars. So does the U.S. Treasury ahead of it handing them over to Congress so that they can be redistributed in politicized, economy-sapping fashion. The so-called deficit “problem” is too much tax revenue, not too little.

The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell disagrees. Count her as a “deficit” scold. Often insightful, on the matter of deficits Rampell mistakes causation: she believes deficits signal not enough taxation. In her own words, “You probably don’t want to hear this, especially this week. But your taxes are probably too low.” Such a statement indicates that Rampell would be tricked by the question that begins this write-up.

Indeed, it’s not apparent Rampell knows why the U.S. Treasury can run gargantuan “deficits.” But the answer is clear, and it’s rooted in the simple truth that the “deficits” are a logical symptom of a revenue problem: too much tax revenue now, and the expectation of exponentially more in the future.

Too many dollars isn’t a problem for Apple, Google and Microsoft simply because their massive revenues are born of routinely meeting the needs of their customers and users in ways that cause them to keep coming back. The world’s population deeply adores what those companies offer, this shows up in soaring receipts for all three, and their ability to borrow is a logical consequence of just how essential Apple, Google and Microsoft are to all of us.

Not so the federal government. Rampell seems to know this. While Americans couldn’t easily live without Apple, Google and Microsoft, Rampell reports that a majority of Americans think “they pay more than their ‘fair share’ of taxes,” and acknowledges that they “probably don’t want to hear” about owing more. Rampell of course thinks this American majority is incorrect as her finger-wagging opinion piece indicates, but with this analysis she gets it backwards.

Focused on a symptom (“budget deficits”) as opposed to the real problem (way too much federal revenue), Rampell asserts that “there’s not remotely enough money” to pay “for all the things” taxpayers allegedly want from government. In reality, we have way too much government and ever-growing “deficits” precisely because Americans hand over way too much annually to the U.S. Treasury.

As Apple, Google and Microsoft instruct so clearly, debt is an effect. In the case of the three corporations, it’s an effect of all three operating in essential fashion now, along with the expectation that they’ll operate effectively well into the future. The U.S. Treasury is a different story. Contra Rampell, it can borrow at incredibly low rates because investors properly see Americans as way overtaxed now and well into the future.

Just don’t refer to all this borrowing as “budget deficits.” That’s a mistake, and it’s a misunderstanding. Government debt is a clear consequence of an excess of tax revenues. Paraphrasing Rampell, “Sorry, my fellow Americans, but your taxes are certainly way too high.”
