Rick Grimes
There’s a new report out there from Giant Freaking Robot that I will be taking with a grain of salt, but I wanted to explore the possibility regardless. The site claims that its sources have told them that ex-Walking Dead star, Andrew Lincoln, is in talks to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe in an unknown role.
Andrew Lincoln left The Walking Dead in 2018, but has recently been spotted in Atlanta hanging out with the cast, implying that he may have some sort of final cameo as the series comes to an end. He’s also supposed to be starring in his own Rick Grimes movies, but perhaps he’s tired of waiting around for those to come together, so he’s potentially signing on to a Marvel project.
Lincoln joining the MCU makes more sense than you might initially imagine. A ton of these projects are also filmed near where The Walking Dead has filmed in the south, and Lincoln would be one of a few different Walking Dead actors who have joined the MCU. The most prominent is his own onscreen love interest, Michonne, played by Danai Gurira who is Okoye in Black Panther and Avengers. Ross Marquand, who plays Aaron, also played Red Skull in Infinity War/Endgame, and voiced Ultron in What If…? Ex-Walking Dead-er Michael Rooker was Yondu in two Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Lauren Ridloff was in Eternals. And Rick Grimes’ former rival, Shane, became the Punisher when Jon Bernthal took that role.
So yeah, there’s history there. And there’s been a lot of talk about current Walking Dead star and Lincoln bud Norman Reedus gunning hard for a shot at playing Ghost Rider in the MCU.
But as for Lincoln himself, who would he play? As this rumor started to bounce around the internet, there were many ideas. The one I’ve seen come up the most often is Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards. We know that Marvel has a Fantastic Four movie planned. Rumor has it Richards could even show up in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness as part of the Illuminati. But fact is, Lincoln is a white guy with greying hair that’s around the right age and look, hence the guesses there.
Weirdly, I’ve seen a lot of fans rallying for Lincoln to be cast as the MCU’s Wolverine which…no, no way. Cannot see that at all. And while we may be guessing about a big part in the MCU, that may not necessarily be the case. We see actors cast all the time in supporting roles so we maybe can’t rule out that he wouldn’t be an actual superhero at all. Some ex-SHIELD higher up? Who knows. Though given the prominence his other TWD castmates have had, I am leaning toward a bigger part, Richards or not.
We’ll see if this comes to fruition. Lincoln’s journey post-TWD has been odd as he just hasn’t done a whole lot the last few years, and I maintain he probably never should have left the show in the first place. I am curious to see if he returns for the finale and if he ever gets around the filming these Rick Grimes movies, but who knows, maybe we see him in the MCU first.
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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/04/15/report-the-walking-deads-andrew-lincoln-joining-the-mcu-but-as-who/