The Trailblazers: Introducing ScoutCam

Center-stage startups may soon become gamechangers; meanwhile their journey could already contain a valuable lesson for us all

Innovation Spotlight

The journey of each start up is unique, yet the challenges they encounter are not.

The ways they choose to overcome obstacles on their path, the creativity it takes to maneuver and prevail along the way and their ultimate recipes for success can all fill chapters in a potential guidebook for new startups.

Each company has something to contribute to this vast shared pool of collective knowledge.

ScoutCam is a visualization and AI platform. It offers video sensor-based solutions for critical systems in the aviation, transportation, and energy industries based on proven visual technologies and products from the medical industry. CEO, Yehu Ofer, an IDF colonel (reserves) explains:

“Even though its preliminary focus was on developing miniaturized cameras for use in minimally invasive surgeries, it became clear over time that our technology can be used in various industries, particularly in hard-to-reach areas or harsh environments, where visual assessments are crucial for maintenance and safety. Industries increasingly sought advanced solutions for monitoring and maintaining critical systems and this led us to innovate our visual sensing and video analytics proprietary technology,” he says.

“In the aviation industry, for example, airlines and aircraft manufacturers who want to maintain their planes and ensure their safety face serious challenges. The same is true for the transportation and energy industries, as well as factories who are transitioning to Industry 4.0, where critical equipment must be monitored and maintained to prevent costly downtime and ensure worker safety. Our technology provides a distinctive solution to these challenges by leveraging visual sensing technology, embedded software, and AI based video analytics applications to provide real-time visibility in hard-to-reach locations. It enables predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring of equipment, identifies potential problems, and takes proactive steps to avoid downtime and ensure safety.”

Established in 2019 by a small team, ScoutCam, which now has more than 50 employees, expects to employ 100 by the end of 2023. Since its establishment, it has raised about $44 million; just last month, the company announced a private placement closing of $14 million.

What were the first steps you took to realize your idea? 

“We identified the need for video-based sensor technologies, particularly in hard-to-reach environments, and worked to develop the technology while conducting several real-time demos to showcase its capabilities. Additionally, we have applied our proprietary visualization solution to support elevator safety inspections: we monitor cable condition and counterweight run by distance in real time using image-based AI capabilities; we issue alerts once the distance exceeds the permitted threshold. This prevents loss of time and money, and even loss of life.”

How are you changing your customers’ bottom line?

“In a variety of ways. To name a few, we are minimizing downtime, enabling our customers to inspect and diagnose problems in hard-to-reach locations, while providing them with a speedier root cause analysis and new data and insights. Safety enhancement is another factor, as well as avoiding unnecessary maintenance. Thanks to our high-quality visualization and video analytics technology, our customers see exactly what’s happening inside their equipment; thus they avoid unnecessary maintenance and fix only what needs fixing, rather than conducting a full-scale overhaul.”

What would you say is your wow factor?

“Our wow factor is our next generation maintenance solutions, from sensing to real-time insights and alerts, which allow companies to address major challenges before they become major problems, and reduce maintenance and operation costs while enhancing safety. By utilizing proprietary visual technologies and products from the medical industry, we can offer high-quality, reliable, and innovative solutions that can be implemented in hard-to-reach locations and harsh environments. Additionally, our visualization and AI platform allows for predictive maintenance (PdM) and condition-based monitoring (CBM) capabilities, which can help businesses optimize their operations, and reduce system downtime and maintenance costs.”

What was the turning point for your company?

“When we realized that our patented solution could potentially be applicable to other industries beyond the medical industry. This opened new horizons for these industries. This breakthrough enabled us to facilitate NASA’s use of our HD micro video camera in NASA’s Robotic Refueling Mission 3.”

What mistakes would you say you’ve made along the way?

“Some possible areas where we may have faced challenges include a focus on a specific market rather than expanding our offers widely.”

What was your best decision along the way?

“Some of our best decisions may include focusing on the medical industry, developing our Camera-as-a-Sensor™ technology, and expanding our product offerings to include predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring solutions.”

What did you not know about the market or about operating a startup that you can now teach others?

“I have learned that startups need to have a sustainable business model that generates revenue and achieves profitability. This requires a focus on building a product or service that truly solves a customer’s problem and generates value for them. It is essential to continually iterate on your technology and product, based on customer feedback and market trends, in order to ensure that you are delivering the best possible solution to your customers. Another important factor for startups is to establish a strong brand identity and a clear marketing strategy. This involves understanding your target audience, identifying the right channels to reach them, and crafting messaging that resonate with them. Finally, I have learned that startups must be financially disciplined and operate with a lean mindset. This means managing expenses carefully, prioritizing investments that drive growth, and being agile enough to pivot quickly when necessary. It is crucial to keep a close eye on cash flow, as this is the lifeblood of any startup.”

Marketing strategy: how did you pave the path to your clients?

“We paved the path to our clients by utilizing a variety of marketing strategies that include building relationships with key decision-makers at target companies and industries; offering them product demos and trials which implemented our cutting-edge technology optimized Predictive Health Monitoring (PHM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM). Understanding the pain points of potential clients was a critical component of our effective marketing strategy. There is a great need for visibility in inaccessible areas or areas that are not suitable for real-time monitoring.”

How big was the marketing element in your overall strategy and budget?

“Typically, companies allocate around 10-20% of their overall budget to marketing. ScoutCam focuses strongly on marketing with the aim of raising awareness of our unique technology among companies looking for breakthrough solutions to their predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring needs. We use a variety of digital marketing tools to e-meet our clients and potential prospects; we also meet them in person at professional conferences.”

Where will you be in a year from now?

“The demand for Predictive Health Monitoring (PHM) and Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, driven by factors such as the growing complexity of industrial equipment, a clear need to reduce maintenance costs and downtime, and the transition to Industry 4.0 technologies. Consequently, there are significant opportunities for companies that can provide innovative solutions to such challenges. Additionally, while the company has already established a presence in several industries, there may be opportunities to expand into new markets, where our visual sensing and video analytics solutions can provide unique benefits. As we stay focused on predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring, and continue to invest in our technology and capabilities, we expect to continue to grow and expand our business over the next year and beyond.”

What will the industry look like 5/10 years from now?

“Generally speaking, I think that the future of video sensors, predictive maintenance, and Industry 4.0 is likely to be characterized by ongoing innovation and disruption. As technology continues to evolve, companies will need to adapt and embrace new solutions in order to remain competitive and meet the evolving needs of their customers. Video Sensors are likely to become even more complex and widely adopted. These sensors will likely be smaller, cheaper, and more powerful, enabling them to be used in a wider range of applications. We expect predictive maintenance (PdM) to gain popularity, because of the need to reduce downtime and maintenance costs. It will potentially become even more refined, incorporating a wider range of data sources. As with video sensors and PdM, Industry 4.0 will continue to transform the manufacturing industry in the years to come, and we will witness further advances in automation, robotics, and AI, allowing manufacturers to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve quality.”
