We need to create workplaces and environments that provide a safe and productive space for growth, progress, and success for all.
Would you consider your job or workplace a place of refuge? A place that is there to accept you as you are, and ready to propel you forward toward success? If you have that support, that is an amazing thing. For many however, including minorities, people of color, women, people with varying disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community, that’s all too often not the case.
We need to create workplaces and environments that provide a safe and productive space for growth, progress, and success for all. That’s ultimately what Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) seeks to achieve – for every individual in an organization to not only have access to the same opportunities as others, but to feel a sense of value, belonging, and importance that increases engagement and yields greater results, both at the individual and corporate level.
Even as DEI has become a mainstream buzzword in the corporate world – and seen as a viable way to address inequities in the workplace – it can often be looked at as mystical or unattainable. But I assure you it’s real, and when organizations take it seriously, the impact of those efforts are felt culturally and more importantly, individually.
DEI Helps People Authentically Contribute and Progress
When you consider the world we live in – where pressures, micro-aggressions, discrimination, and violence is experienced on an on-going basis, the need for a safe place to create, contribute, and thrive is vital. Nearly one-third of our lives, or 90,000 hours, is dedicated to work. That’s a lot of time and energy.
Imagine being celebrated for who you are and what you have to offer. It makes all the difference. An organization that truly embraces DEI, creates a space that allows people to not just work on the task at hand safely, but to create and contribute in a way that is authentic and valued. Just as a child is encouraged with positive reinforcement, so are we as adults encouraged to achieve greater things when we are free of toxic conditions. The lasting impact of this for an individual can’t be emphasized enough. Remember how much time we spend working and how much of our life we dedicate to our jobs – it’s easy to see how significant the workplace environment experience is to happiness, success, and overall life satisfaction.
Building Connections That Weren’t There Before
A major component of DEI is seeking to understanding one another and where others are coming from in any given situation. One way we achieve this in our personal and professional lives is through the use of storytelling. Stories help us feel a greater sense of connection to others and to ourselves. They allow us to witness the pain, joy, and concerns of the storyteller, which gives us greater ability to see life from their perspective. We better understand the why beyond their feelings and actions and feel inspired to provide support and encouragement. Through the act of that shared storytelling, we build cultural intelligence on a personal and organizational level. Organizations that encourage this open communication are helping foster greater relationships between individuals who might otherwise avoid real and significant topics. These experiences give individuals the opportunity to hold themselves accountable, to discuss hard issues, and ultimately see opportunities for understanding.
Where Do You Go from Here?
Consider these immediate steps forward to start making an impact in your workplace – today.
- It starts with you. Change occurs on an individual level, or it doesn’t occur at all. Companies are made of individuals. Individuals model inclusive behaviors and open doors of opportunity for others. Inclusive environments begin with each of us showing up and doing our part.
- Help your organization be intentional. Intentionality is the separator from those who are just going through the DEI motions versus those who are getting results and impact. As leaders and colleagues, we can’t be passive about the work of inclusion – it must be intentional. Being passive is a barrier to change; it keeps our society from being able to fully optimize belonging.
- Choose courage over comfort. Be willing to be uncomfortable. Acknowledge the discomfort that comes with someone that’s on this journey and know it will get hard at times, if you’re truly committed to systems change. Understand that we are all going to make mistakes and will continue to learn with each new encounter.
- Actively seek more information. We often expect information to come to us organically or we may rely on our professional circles or place of employment to help educate us on these topics. Sometimes we don’t take enough time to own our personal learning journey. What else are you doing to supplement that learning?
A DEI culture not only transforms your company but helps shape the mindset of employees for life. The positive effects of DEI for individuals and the organizations that are committed to the work is indisputable. But like anything that requires real change, there’s a lot of work and effort required to achieve it. It’s work that belongs to us all. Learn more about these initiatives by visiting my website, https://www.nikawhite.com.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2022/06/02/transforming-corporate-america-the-sustaining-effects-of-dei/