The Sandbox to kickstart collaboration with Gamer Arena

The Sandbox has taken the decision to form an absolutely exclusive collaboration with Gamer Arena. The company is a top gaming platform based in Turkey. Through this very joining of hands, both of the entities will be actively engaged in the building of a one-of-its-kind, as well as interactive gaming exposure for the benefit of all of their connected gamers. 

In this setup, the gamers will be in the position of trying out their individual areas of expertise inside the Sandbox. There will be two modules, one being the Challenge and Earn module from the stable of Gamer Arena and a Play, Create, Earn module from the Sandbox. 

Furthermore, this collaboration will open the doors for completely changing the way online gaming is currently viewed. Both companies will be scouring different ways of increasing the thrill quotient for the sake of the gamers and the roping in of further prospective new players onto their side. Gamer Arena will also have the advantage of being able to utilize the sheer strength of blockchain technology, along with the ever-increasing attraction towards the metaverse. 

As per their understanding, both of the entities will be setting up and promoting multiple virtual events so as to be able to effectively push more players into taking part and which will involve the entire community as a whole. Gamers will get the opportunity of being able to exhibit their full capabilities, as well as make their presence felt in the numerous competitions. There will also be the added factor of them being able to obtain rewards in the form of the local currency belonging to the platforms GAU, as well as SAND. 

According to the Chief Executive Officer of Gamer Arena, Kerim Yilmaz, this is indeed an extremely exciting moment for them as the mutually beneficial collaboration with the Sandbox will ensure online gaming reaches another level altogether. Expectations are also very high where the team members are concerned, and they want to witness their growth prospects in the coming days. In his opinion, gamers will also remain very enthusiastic as they will have the option of obtaining tokens for themselves, along with the complete gaming exposure that will be coming their way. 

The collaboration is officially slated for the 2nd of May, 2023, and will be through an event that will carry on for a period of fourteen days. In this will be present various tournaments coming with an entire array of competitive games that will be duly sponsored by the Sandbox. The venue will be the Gamer Arena. All of the gamers taking part will have the chance to scour and build an entirely fresh environment within the Sandbox.
