The Sandbox shares an update for Q1 2023 for LAND owners

The Sandbox, a metaverse gaming sphere, has announced the updates for Q1 2023 with the owners of LAND. This serves importance to over 23,500 LAND owners, enabling the platform to empower the community and regularly communicate with them to promote innovation.

Updates majorly relate to self-publish, upgrading to Game Maker 0.8, minting of assets, staking native tokens for weekly rewards, bonus content for creators, and regular communication.

Self-Publish is tentatively expected to go live by the third quarter. Once live, it will help creators to launch their experiences directly on the map to anyone. It will be first available to creators by the said period. Next, it is recommended to upgrade the gaming mechanics and visual effects with Game Maker 0.8. The Sandbox is confident that the update will take the gaming experience to the next level.

LAND owners can mint their assets as non-fungible tokens on the blockchain. Minted assets can then be sold by the end of the fourth quarter. The selling comes loaded with all the new features. Weekly rewards will be rolled out provided owners have staked their SAND in the maximum quantity of 100K. Rewards extend to SAND only and SAND for LAND based on a pool that is live till July 06, 2023.

April Festival begins with a wide window open, allowing the earning of exclusive non-fungible tokens and SAND rewards. Rewards will be dropped out of the pool for LAND owners and AVATAR holders.AVATAR must be from the official collection. The challenge has to be completed to claim the reward.

One exclusive NFT awaits the holder of LAND; however, their holding must be for at least three months in their wallet. Moving forward, The Sandbox has committed to sharing updates with the community regularly. This will include AMAs and newsletters every quarter. The updates will include answers to the questions and milestones in the roadmap.

Moreover, there are benefits that LAND owners can look forward to. However, to start with, they will be able to search LANDs in the brand new map design at a higher speed with many filters. Owners can also customize LAND to include 1×1 ones along with their logos. Updates have reached more than 6,000 LANDs.

Creators can create their experiences and then share them with the community via the marketplace.

Over 115,850 LANDs have been minted by the time of drafting this article. This makes The Sandbox a decentralized community based on the ownership of assets. There is no change when it comes to onboarding new members to the community. LAND Raffle System, which came into effect in November 2022, gives new entrants a chance to buy LAND. The maximum number is 1 LAND, ensuring that bots are excluded from the process.

Alpha Season 3 was a success, and updates mention that the fourth Season is in the works. It will hopefully break the previous record of hosting nearly 360,000 players and the distribution of 10M SAND.

What’s next is that the community can hire a builder from the list that has over 200 certified builders, helping them to build their own experiences. The number is true as of December 2022. More updates from The Sandbox are expected to come after the end of the second quarter of 2023.
