The Sandbox forms an exclusive collaboration with Affyn

The Sandbox has gone ahead and formed an exclusive collaboration with Affyn. This is an organization situated in Singapore and is Web3-oriented. It is actively engaged in the development of games, as well as the metaverses, and incorporating geolocation and augmented reality abilities. Through this joining hands, the two companies will be working on furthering interoperable metaverse exposure, which will be the very first initiative. They will also be looking into community-oriented interoperable, and open metaverse for bringing together the creator community, as well as collaborators, and making them focus on sustainable ecosystems which bridge virtual and real worlds.  

Both of the entities share a similar vision, and that is to be able to create a new age for interoperability in terms of blockchain gaming, as well as the virtual world arena. At the present moment in time, the companies are actively involved in scouring interoperability inside of the open metaverse and providing uninterrupted exposure for the sake of all connected communities. Considering the requirement for proper technology increasing by the day, both of the entities will be focussing on the upliftment of the overall Web3 ecosystem. This will be made achievable with the backing of creators and collaborators, along with creating awareness amongst the new entrants and through effective interaction. 

According to the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Affyn, Lucaz Lee, their entire team is more than thrilled about this collaboration with The Sandbox. Through this merger, they have a tremendous amount of expectation that they will be in the position of being able to introduce an entirely different paradigm where the overall gamer exposure is concerned and eventually find themselves on much firmer ground.  

Where the Head of Singapore Sandbox, George Wong, is concerned, he strongly feels that it will be extremely beneficial for them to witness further platforms going in for the adoption of interoperability. He believes this will eventually bring about greater options in relation to creativity, as well as effective use cases, for the ultimate growth of the metaverse as a whole. 
