It’s now Sunday, and discourse about this week’s She-Hulk has continued for days after the episode aired, centered on one scene and one scene only, She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion in the closing credits scene of the show.
It’s a debate between angry fanboys who think this is the death of the entire MCU, and those that point to a whole bunch of goofy She-Hulk antics from the comics, and say that this is exactly the kind of thing that is true to the character, given her history.
But in the end, the reason this scene exists at all is a lot more simple than anyone figures.
In an interview with Polygon, director Kat Coiro explains that Tatiana Maslany is just…a huge Megan Thee Stallion fan, and wanted a scene with her (it seems Megan’s courtroom cameo was shot separately).
“Tatiana is the world’s biggest Megan Thee Stallion fan, so she was just vibrating with excitement,” Coiro said. “We actually added that dancing scene so that Tatiana could have a scene with Megan, which is where we learned that Tatiana is an amazing twerker.”
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – AUGUST 15: (L-R) Tatiana Maslany and Mark Ruffalo attend Marvel Studios … [+]
So, that’s really it. The star of She-Hulk loves Megan Thee Stallion and what Tatiana wants, Tatiana gets, including a post-credits dance party. And again, they can also do this because it’s not any less ridiculous than half the stuff in actual She-Hulk comics over the years. Naked jump-roping, anyone? Yeah, that happened.
This also reminded people of a whole lot of other goofy moments in MCU history, from DJ Iron Man to characters like Star Lord or Baron Zemo dancing. And yet none of those were ever met with “this is too absurd for the MCU!!” critiques.
I’ve said this before, but Marvel has clearly given She-Hulk an colossal amount of runway to do whatever it wants, whether that’s directly take on misogyny and toxic fanboys, as it’s been doing for weeks now, to pull cameos ranging from MCU stars to real-life celebrities. If this is a fourth-wall breaking series, it’s going to Hulk smash through that wall as often as possible.
Again, cameos and dance parties do not make a show inherently good, as I think She-Hulk has some work to do with its overall structure, but the pushback about this is absurd, and it really just comes down to…an actress wanted to dance with her favorite rapper.
We are only three episodes in, with six to go, and I have to imagine we are only at the tip of the iceberg for how much drama this show is going to bring to the internet.
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