The Philippines Takes a Bold Move Toward AI and Women’s Inclusivity

In a significant move aimed at revolutionizing the Philippines’ digital world, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has joined forces with Connected Women. This partnership leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to spur economic growth and empower women across the nation. The deal was inked in March, marking a pivotal step towards inclusivity and technological advancement.

Bridging the gap through AI

Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual and Connected Women’s CEO, Agnes Gervacio, led the charge in sealing this vital agreement. The collaboration aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital realm. The focus is on areas such as cybersecurity and AI education. 

The memorandum highlights the transformative power of AI. From streamlining business operations to fostering innovation and opening new markets, AI is poised to be a game-changer. Pascual emphasized its potential to not only advance the corporate sector but also uplift the nation’s economic fabric. This tech leap is expected to create new career avenues while demanding a shift in the workforce’s skill set.

Empowering women through technology

Connected Women pledges to offer online skills development and remote work opportunities. This aligns perfectly with the government’s vision of creating an inclusive environment where women can thrive. The role of Connected Women in harnessing technology’s potential is commendable, promising to drive positive change across communities and families.

Moreover, AI’s application extends to tackling critical issues and enhancing services in healthcare, education, and agriculture. This broad spectrum of benefits highlights AI’s role in shaping a better future for all sectors of society.

Philippines on the global AI map

The Philippine AI scene is on an upward trajectory, with a surge in startups, research projects, and businesses keen on exploring AI’s potential. By leading in AI innovation, the Philippines is set to enhance its position globally, attracting foreign investments and establishing itself as a hub for innovation and talent.

Pascual’s vision of building a resilient and innovative economy is ambitious yet achievable with this strategic partnership. The collaboration between DTI and Connected Women is a step towards realizing this dream, promising a brighter future for the Philippines in the digital age.
