The Graph Network announces multichain expansion

The Graph Network gathers more than 40 widely used blockchains and layer-2s under one roof with the inherent upgrade of Indexer. Scroll, Base, Near, and zkSync are the popular blockchains and layer-2s that are contributing to the developers by making their usable approach much easier for upgrading sub-graphs from previous support chains, including Avalanche Celo, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Ethereum, Optimism, Fantom, Polygon, and many more. 

The developers belonging to these chains can now leverage this decentralized network of The Graph. The advantages of using such blockchains include speedy syncing and lower margin costs. In addition, this network collaborates with apps, including Loopering, Vela, Art Blocks, Snapshots, and many more. It is a milestone for enhancing the blockchain ecosystem and its fundamental transaction process.

The Graph Network is a part of Sunrise of Decentralized Data, which supports new supply chains in the network. The vision of evolving such a chain is to initiate a multichain vision in Web3 civilization. These newly formed chains support the Graph Network, as NEAR Protocol is the first non-EVM chain in the network that is compatible with unlocking new future wonders. 

On the other hand, Coinbase offers Base, a layer-2 solution that simplifies Ethereum development. It makes it more accessible for developers to initiate the scaling of their dapps. Similarly, Scroll is focused on paving an innovative Ethereum Layer 2 experience that is known for cost reduction and higher speed of transactions. Again, zkSync is a layer 2 scaling solution focusing on security and privacy by optimizing Ethereum transactions.

The existing chains also support the multichain operations of The Graph Network and provide authority to the developers to query the network virtually after the upgrade from the hosted service. While Arbitrum and OP Mainnet are layer 2 scaling solutions that develop the capabilities of Ethereum at low fees with security maintenance, Avalanche and Gnosis are DeFi applications used as an eco-friendly approach to rapid transactions with the availability of security. 

When it comes to improving the digital economy’s user experience, Celo is once again a mobile-first strategy that prioritizes accessibility and user experience. Similarly, Fandom facilitates the development of decentralized applications and increases transaction speed. Furthermore, Polygon PoS provides compatibility with Ethereum, which enables the establishing of a developer-friendly ecosystem and optimizes scalability.

Builders coming under this Web3 environment empower their dapps by initiating subgraphs on the graph, achieving benefits regarding the higher speed of syncing times, higher quality of services, and dependency on decentralized infrastructure. With its all-new support for production-grade traffic, The Graph Network enables increased redundancy in the Chain Integration Process (CIP).

The Graph is regarded as an indexing mechanism for creating and organizing blockchain data and making it more accessible via GraphQL. Implementing standardized subgraphs has facilitated data access from storage and blockchain networks via its decentralized market entity. Under its direction, The Graph Foundation ventures into an unprecedented domain of expansive data service vision.
