The Future of Financial Services in the Context of the New Digital Reality

11 FnTech & 10 InsurTech Digital Congress will be held between 23rd and 24th March, in The Westin Warsaw Hotel and online. The Spring Edition gathers key representatives of the industry, who will review the most current trends and development directions in fintech and insurtech.

The inaugural panel will be devoted to the topics connected with the future of financial services in the context of the new digital reality. Among others, the following aspects will be discussed: Metaverse and its business dimension, NFT (Non-fungible tokens) as a wider element of the payment system, opportunities and challenges facing the financial world, as well as risk multiplication.

Processes taking currently place on the cryptocurrencies market will be the key subject of the block concerning the capitalization of new technologies. The experts will also comment on the platform’s influence on the financial ecosystem—the development of a marketplace for financial products, the improvements concerning the creation of e-commerce platforms, banking-as-a-service, the role of banks in the future of financial services.

The second day of the congress will enable you to explore the topic of data. Among others, the following issues will be analyzed: data platforms, data management in open banking, technologies supporting data acquisition, as well as data analytics, and data science as information carriers and means of business decision-making processes.

Another important issue of the spring edition of the congress will be the digital world of financial services and fintech being the key element of financial services. The experts are going to answer important questions: how the new money value chain should look like, how to build another era of finances in the emerging ecosystem and how banks and fintech will introduce innovation to prepare themselves for the progressing digitalization of the world of finances. The issues connected with payments will be also discussed: the progress of electronic payments, the popularization of non-cash payments, the subscription model in payments, and context banking.

The experts are also bound to talk about the trends in the insurance market. Among others, the following topics will be raised: insurers’ openness to new technologies and transformation of current processes, search for innovation and industry development opportunities, embedded insurance, creating a customer experience, and technical support in the customer service process. The event will finish with a debate on the subject of e-health and health services.

The FinTech & InsurTech Digital Congress event is the key congress on the map of industry events. The event is directed at representatives of the banking and insurance sector, fintechs, insurtechs, loan companies, law firms, investors, technology companies, IT, startups, and representatives of state administration and consulting companies.

The congress is carried out as part of the activities of MMC Polska, which organizes prestigious congresses, conferences, workshops, and business training dedicated to managerial staff and company boards. More at

For more information related to the event visit our website.
