The Cryptocurrency Everyone is Talking About

The crypto industry has witnessed a series of virtual assets since its 2013 boom. As the industry continues to grow, the number of crypto projects and assets has also increased. 

There are now thousands of crypto assets available in the virtual sphere, with hundreds in the limelight. One of these crypto assets is the XeniosCoin (XNC), which investors can explore within the sphere.

What is Xenios (XNC) and its History?

XNC and its native blockchain were created by Greek investors Emmanouil Kafouros and Anastasios Oureilidis in 2019 as a semi-stablecoin. The project operates as a proof-of-work or proof-of-stake asset and is designed to be a business and asset management-based asset.

Although the XNC is not as well-known as BTC, Ether, Doge, and others, it cannot be written off yet, given that it was launched only about 5 years ago. 

The currency has secured the backing of the Hellenic Blockchain Association, which intends to adopt the coin as its subscribed asset for every payment made by members of the association. The XNC provides reliable, fast, anonymous, and efficient transactions.

What is XNC Coin?

The XNC coin has its own native blockchain called Xenios, named after the Greek god Zeus Xenios. The Xenioscoin native blockchain offers a near-zero transaction fee. This makes it attractive for investors and traders, allowing for frictionless transactions regardless of the number of blocks transmitted in a single transfer of virtual assets. 

The blockchain can verify thousands of transactions per minute and process over 20,000 microtransactions per minute, making it an efficient, reliable, and scalable blockchain solution.

The Xenios blockchain features a remarkable macroeconomic mechanism that consistently stabilizes the minimum price and provides unlimited liquidity for its corporate investors, even during bear markets. This structure helps bridge the gap between unstable crypto and stable stablecoin.

What is the Future of Xenios?

XNC is a cryptocurrency that is focused on business and investment. However, just like all the other cryptocurrencies out there, it has no underlying value. This makes it highly speculative, XNC’s volatility is high which makes it a risky investment.

The token developers have laid out plans that suggest that the project is here to stay, and the unique business model of the token strengthens this notion.

The global vision of the XNC developers aims to attract more utility for the token, and according to their long-term plan, XNC will be used as a means of payment for various services. The developers intend to grow the token so that it can be adopted by numerous businesses and enterprises worldwide. 

Xenios Hotels & Flight is an essential component of this plan, as it is a company that provides accommodation, travel, and tours, among other services. The XNC token will be exclusively tied to this chain of business, and it will be the only accepted means of payment.


XNC is a cryptocurrency created in 2019 by Greek investors Emmanouil Kafouros and Anastasios Oureilidis. It is designed as a semi-stable coin for business and asset management, but its value, like other cryptocurrencies, is highly speculative and volatile.
