Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder—Here’s What We Know


A man arrested for allegedly attacking New York City police officers near Times Square on New Year’s Eve was charged with attempted murder Monday, as details slowly emerge about the suspect.

Key Facts

The New York Police Department announced Monday the suspect, 19-year-old Trevor Bickford, has been charged with two counts of attempted murder and two counts of attempted assault.

Bickford has reportedly been hospitalized since police shot him Saturday night after he attacked officers at a security checkpoint near Times Square.

Police are seeking search warrants to see whether Bickford viewed terrorist propaganda leading up to the attack, CNN reported, citing sources with knowledge of the investigation.

Authorities discovered a diary the suspect kept describing his wish to die a martyr and his hope of joining the Taliban in Afghanistan, according to CNN.

The attack came after the New York Police Department sent a warning to law enforcement agencies Friday about the potential for “Lone Offender Attacks” on New Year’s Eve inspired by a video release from an “ISIS-Aligned Media Unit,” according to CNN.

An arraignment date has not been set in the case, according to a spokeswoman for the Manhattan District Attorney.

What We Don’t Know

Little public information has been released about the alleged attacker, who is reportedly from the small town of Wells, Maine, and it is unclear whether Bickford has an attorney.

Key Background

The attack took place just after 10 p.m. Saturday night at a bag checkpoint in Midtown Manhattan at West 52nd Street and 8th Avenue, several blocks north of Times Square. The annual New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square is one of New York City’s marquee events, with thousands of revelers packing into the space to watch the midnight ball drop and musical acts leading up to the new year. If deemed terrorism, Saturday night’s attack would be the first terrorist act to take place at or near the festivities.

Further Reading

Suspect in New Year’s Eve machete attack on police near New York’s Times Square expressed desire in diary to join Taliban, die a martyr, sources say (CNN)

3 police officers near Times Square injured in machete attack on New Year’s Eve: Officials (ABC News)
