Stocks This Week: Buy Mondelez

The S&P 500 is likely to rally into mid-to-late April. The screens suggest that NASDAQ
stocks will lead. The screens of the NASDAQ 100 constituents shows some promising buy candidates.

Mondelez shows relative strength and favorable seasonality. The histogram below reveals that April has been the strongest month of the year over the last 21 years as seen in the histogram below. In fact, the stock has risen from March 19th to June 2nd over 80% of the time.

Red: Probability of rising

Blue: Percentage price change

Green: Expected return

The cyclical strength has manifested in constructive price action. The top strip shows price leaving an almost 3-year formation. The center strip shows the higher lows in momentum. The bottom strip tells us that relative strength has been superior since late 2021. The share price could reach the low $80 area.
