Still too early to declare victory on inflation

Bank of England (BoE) Governor Andrew noted late Friday that inflation still remains a key sticking point for the UK’s central bank, though many price pressures have eased faster than the BoE initially feared.

Key highlights

Market events like those of two weeks ago or so will happen; the test is not whether they happen but whether they trigger wider instability.

Second round inflation effects appear to be smaller than we expected.

Communicating when we decide to accommodate short-run shocks or trade-offs between inflation and activity is essential but difficult.

It is too early to declare victory on inflation.

I am cautiously optimistic that inflation expectations are better anchored.

Signs of disinflation are coming from China.

Less inflation persistence is not something we can take for granted.

The policy setting will need to remain restrictive for sufficiently long.

Inflation is not back at the target on a sustained basis.

We need to chart a steady course on monetary policy.

