Steadefi links up with the Chainlink BUILD program

Steadefi takes the opportunity of coming out with its official announcement of linking up with the Chainlink BUILD program. Through this, they will be in the position of being able to better connect with the absolute new-age Chainlink Web3 services.

Chainlink happens to be a measuring tool in the case of the Web3 services platform. It has been instrumental in creating a huge amount of volume, in terms of transactions, throughout DeFi, as well as insurance, gaming, NFTs, and a whole lot of other prime industries. It allows developers the opportunity of being able to create superior Web3 applications easily and conveniently. 

Steadefi is an enhanced and utilized yield aggregator. Its aim is to be able to increase yield through various sources and, at the same time, have control over market-related risks. By making provision for an undercollateralized utility to automated yield strategies, the entity serves risk-on-yield seekers as well as risk-off lenders. The present strategy vault of theirs happens to be the 3x Long GLP Vault, created on the GMX perpetual trading platform. 

There will also be the provision of being able to obtain technical expertise, along with complete community backing from the Chainlink ecosystem. This, in turn, will assist in the plans to further the adoption of their automated smart-hedging game plan. In lieu of all of this, Steadefi will put in 3% of the complete token provided to all of the Chainlink service providers. This will happen to be a segment of Chain Link Economics 2.0. 

Where Steadefi is concerned, it happens to be an absolute new-gen DeFi protocol that has been created to provide connectivity for users in terms of capital-effective as well as risk-adjusted strategies. With the incorporation of a variety of prime and dependable protocols, they are able to offer all of their connected users an entire array of well-built strategy vaults. These will be coming with automated position management. 

Steadefi decided and went in for linking up with the Chainlink BUILD program in order to be able to increase safety aspects, as well as the dependability factor and the decentralization of advantages that happen to be offered by the Chainlink Network to Web3 protocols.

In this very situation, Steadefi will also be in the position of obtaining better connectivity with fresh Chainlink product alpha, as well as beta releases. Along with this, there will also be strong and fruitful technical backing from the Chainlink ecosystem.

According to the Project Lead, Jeff Lam, this linking up will place them in the position of being able to ramp up the process of adopting Steadefi’s new-age DeFi automated strategy vaults. In his opinion, Chainlink’s Web3 services happen to be extremely necessary for all of the protocols that prioritize issues related to safety as well as dependability.

As a part of their future plan, they will be going in for the utilization of the complete array of services that is duly provided by Chainlink. Out of all of these will include the Chainlink Data Feeds, as well as the Chainlink Automation, for the proper backing of their strategy vaults. In the end, this link-up will assist them to be able to offer more users with connectivity to Steadefi’s effective, as well as security strategies. 

Steadefi’s contribution to the BUILD program will be 3% of their total token collection. This will be utilized in the form of an economic incentive for the benefit of all of the Chainlink service providers, which will also be having the stakers. Through this, the Steadefi, as well as the Chainlink communities, will be better placed to back each other effectively.  
