Stargate: A Cross-Chain Stableswap Protocol

May 3, 2022, 10:58AM EDT

• 7 min read

Quick Take

  • Stargate, a cross-chain stablecoin swap protocol, was launched in March 2022 and has attracted $2.7 billion in Total Value Locked as of this writing
  • Stargate’s main value proposition is to enable cross-chain transfers of stablecoins in a decentralized and permissionless manner
  • Stargate leverages LayerZero’s interoperability mechanism, which enables the decentralized dissemination of information across multiple blockchains
  • Stargate’s native token, STG, is being used to bootstrap liquidity and also for governance via the Stargate DAO
  • Fundamentally, Stargate and LayerZero are meant to enhance cross-chain interoperability without sacrificing decentralization

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