Spider-Man Fans Petition for Revival of The Great Web Multiplayer Game

A leaked trailer for “The Great Web” multiplayer game has ignited a vigorous response from Spider-Man fans, prompting them to petition for its revival. The game, revealed in a massive gaming hack last year, showcased cooperative gameplay set in Insomniac’s Spider-Man universe. Despite being seemingly canceled during development, the leaked trailer has stirred up enthusiasm among fans, leading to calls for its resurrection.

Leaked trailer sparks fan petition

The leaked trailer for “The Great Web” surfaced recently, providing a glimpse into the cooperative multiplayer experience it promised to offer. The unfinished footage showcased players creating characters and swinging around with friends in the expansive Spider-Man universe. This unexpected reveal has reignited interest in the game, leaving fans eager to see it come to fruition.

In response to the leaked trailer and the subsequent disappointment over the game’s cancellation, Spider-Man enthusiasts have taken matters into their own hands. A Change.org petition, initiated by Henry Hughes, urges PlayStation and Insomniac Games to reconsider their decision and revive “The Great Web.” Hughes expressed shock over the cancellation and emphasized the desire among fans for what could potentially be a groundbreaking multiplayer experience.

The petition, which has garnered nearly 1,500 signatures at the time of writing, reflects the passionate support within the Marvel’s Spider-Man community. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the game’s cancellation, fans remain hopeful that their collective voice will be heard and that “The Great Web” will see the light of day again.

Speculation surrounding the leaked trailer

Amidst the excitement surrounding the leaked trailer, speculation about its purposeful release by PlayStation to gauge fan interest has arisen. Some fans believe that the leak may serve as a litmus test for potential demand for the game. However, this theory is met with skepticism, especially considering the ongoing repercussions of the Insomniac hack that exposed extensive information about the studio’s future projects.

While the petition to revive “The Great Web” demonstrates the enthusiasm among fans, it remains uncertain whether it will be sufficient to sway the decision-makers at PlayStation and Insomniac Games. The lack of clarity regarding the reasons for the game’s cancellation further complicates the possibility of its revival. Nonetheless, the passionate response from fans underscores the strong desire for a multiplayer Spider-Man experience within the gaming community.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/spider-man-fans-petition-for-revival/