Spanish Soccer Chief Won’t Resign After Kissing Player—Attacks ‘False Feminists’


The head of the Spanish Football Federation refused to resign Friday after days-long outrage ensued for his non-consensual kiss of a soccer player following her team’s win at the Women’s World Cup on Sunday.

Key Facts

Luis Rubiales, the Spanish Football Federation chief, told an emergency general assembly of the federation he wouldn’t resign multiple times and said he was the victim of a witch hunt by “false feminists,” the Associated Press reported.

Rubiales stern remarks reportedly included the claim that he was the victim of “social assassination” and that would “fight this to end.”

Rubiales claimed the kiss was “mutual and with the consent” of Jennifer Hermoso, the player he kissed (Hermoso has suggested otherwise).

While speaking to the federation Friday, he received applause from the mostly male audience—including from Spain’s women’s national team coach Jorge Vilda—the AP reported.

His remarks Friday follow reports from multiple outlets Thursday that Rubiales would resign for the kiss and other inappropriate behavior displayed at the World Cup final on Sunday.

Crucial Quote

“This kiss was the same I could give one of my daughters,” Rubiales said to the assembly claiming that he asked Hermoso for “a little kiss,” and she said yes.

Key Background

The kiss, and Rubiales other behaviors during the World Cup final, have prompted widespread condemnation in the days since Spain’s victory. In addition to kissing Hermoso, Rubiales was also seen grabbing and thrusting his crotch during the game. On Monday, Rubiales apologized for the kiss in a video, saying he needed to “take more care” when representing the federation. His remarks Friday were the first time Rubiales mentioned consent—one of the major points of contention from fans, fellow soccer players and Spanish officials in the days since. In recent days, multiple entities have announced they were investigating Rubiales behavior, including Liga F, the Spanish women’s professional football league, and FIFA.

Chief Critic

Hermoso has remained relatively mum since the game. Her apparent discomfort with the situation was made known after a video was posted on Instagram after the game showing Hermoso saying she “did not enjoy” the kiss, “but what can I do?” The Spanish Football Federation, which Rubiales runs, released a statement on Hermoso’s behalf Sunday saying the kiss was “a totally spontaneous mutual gesture.” On Thursday, the union representing Hermoso, FUTPRO, released a statement saying Rubiales’ actions should not go unpunished, adding that it’s working on “pertinent measures” that would protect soccer players against “unacceptable” actions. In the statement, Hermoso added that the union and her agent would “defend my interests and speak on my behalf.”

Further Reading

Spanish Soccer Head Apologizes For Kissing Player After World Cup Win (Forbes)

Spanish Soccer Head Faces Formal Complaint For Kissing Player After Women’s World Cup Win (Forbes)

Spanish Soccer Head Quitting After Kissing Player Without Consent (Forbes)
