SKUx and Visa partner to boost merchant and CPG digital transformation

SKUx inks an exclusive deal with Visa to expedite digital transformation for specific business houses and FMCG firms. These organizations employ SKUx’s payment-focused services to support a variety of consumer use cases. These include client intake, loyalty issues, and a whole lot more.

SKUx is significantly impacting the consumer goods vertical, an industry that appears to be experiencing substantial financial losses due to dubious operations and overall inefficiency. SUVx employs its digital payments platform to revolutionize the prevailing system, addressing all of its shortcomings and introducing innovative approaches to problem-solving. A multitude of prominent brands are integrating with the SKUx platform to address concerns about superfluous paper checks and facilitate online payment delivery for customers.

The SKUx platform aims to facilitate seamless online payments for customers at all times. Business houses have the option of connecting with consumers via a real-world Visa online payment on a mobile device. The platform utilizes Hedera’s advanced distributed ledger technology (DLT) to monitor payments’ release and withdrawal. 

According to the agreement between the two entities, Visa customers will have the opportunity to interact with SKUx, which will enhance both B2B and B2C payment shifting services. Business houses will have the opportunity to handle client intake, digitize consumer affairs, and more. Both companies’ priority is ultimately their connected consumers.

Bobby Tinsley, the co-founder and president of SKUx, expresses his delight in collaborating with Visa to achieve all their company objectives.

SKUx facilitates accelerated promotional activities and item-stage payments. Their digital payment platform provides flexible end-to-end services for passing on value-added offers to consumers. The company is undoubtedly moving in the right direction, aligning perfectly with the current market norms and expectations.
