Silver can make up some of the ground it has lost against Gold – Commerzbank

In addition to the Gold price, economists at Commerzbank have also lowered their price forecasts for the other precious metals.

Forecast change for Silver, Platinum an Palladium

We expect prices for Silver, Platinum and Palladium to rise over the course of the year. 

The reason for Silver is the same as for Gold, namely the Fed interest rate cuts we expect from the middle of the year. We also think that Silver can make up some of the ground it has lost against Gold. We are lowering our price forecast for the end of the year to $28 per troy ounce (previously $30). 

We see the price of Platinum at $1,100 at the end of the year (previously $1,200) and Palladium also at $1,100 (previously $1,200).

