Sidney Powell Must Face Criminal Trial For Georgia Election Charges, Judge Rules

Sidney Powell Must Face Criminal Trial For Georgia Election Charges, Judge Rules


Far-right attorney Sidney Powell will go to trial in Atlanta later this month on criminal charges regarding her efforts to overturn the 2020 election, as a Georgia state judge rejected her motion to dismiss the case Thursday due to “prosecutorial misconduct.”

Key Facts

Powell is one of 19 defendants charged as part of the Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney’s indictment over a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election—a sprawling case that includes former President Donald Trump as a defendant.

Prosecutors allege Powell was involved with an unlawful breach of voting equipment in Coffee County, Georgia, and helped further a criminal conspiracy to overturn the results through other acts like urging Trump to seize voting machines and appoint her as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud.

The attorney asked the court to throw out the case against her before it goes to trial, claiming she was not involved with the efforts in Coffee County and alleging prosecutors ignored evidence that would exonerate her and “mischaracterized documents and suborned false or misleading testimony to create a false narrative.”

The DA’s office heavily opposed Powell’s motion, arguing at a hearing Thursday that Powell’s claims she’s innocent are for a jury to decide and that her allegations of prosecutorial misconduct are “absurd and unsupported,” saying Powell’s lawyers are essentially arguing, “There must be prosecutorial misconduct because the defendant doesn’t like the fact that she was indicted.”

Judge Scott McAfee ruled Thursday during the hearing to reject Powell’s request on procedural grounds, saying it’s the “jury’s job to decide contested issues” over whether Powell is innocent, and he doesn’t see Powell’s motion “as clearing the procedural bar as being something that’s under the court’s authority.”

The ruling means that Powell’s case will proceed to trial, with jury selection scheduled to begin on October 20, after she demanded a speedy trial.

Crucial Quote

“I can sympathize with the idea that someone who vigorously contests and believes in their innocence doesn’t want to sit through a long trial, but that is the state’s right to do,” McAfee said Thursday. “That’s simply the process as it stands.”

What To Watch For

Powell’s trial, which will be a joint trial of both her and former Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro, is expected to last three to five months. The attorney has been indicted on charges of racketeering and conspiracy to commit election fraud, conspiracy to commit computer theft, conspiracy to commit computer trespass, conspiracy to commit computer invasion of privacy and conspiracy to defraud the state based on the issues in Coffee County. She has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors have said they intend to offer plea deals to Powell and Chesebro ahead of the trial, though it remains to be seen whether Powell would take a deal.

Surprising Fact

One of the defendants in the case, bail bondsman Scott Hall, has already taken a plea deal in the case, pleading guilty to the charges against him and receiving five years of probation. Hall’s plea could complicate Powell’s defense, as he was also involved in the voting machine efforts in Coffee County, and as part of his plea deal has agreed to testify at trial. His guilty plea for wrongdoing in the scheme directly conflicts with Powell’s claim in the motion to dismiss, which alleges there wasn’t wrongdoing because the defendants’ efforts were authorized by local election officials.

Key Background

Powell was one of the most vocal people on the right in the aftermath of the 2020 election claiming there was widespread voter fraud—which there is no evidence to support—particularly through purported issues with voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems that “flipped” votes from Trump to President Joe Biden. She led a series of lawsuits contesting election results in battleground states—all of which failed in court—and held a press conference with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani pushing the voter fraud charges, before later reportedly urging Trump to seize machines. Powell was also allegedly involved with efforts by Trump allies to gain access to voting equipment to investigate any possible issues with voter fraud, including in Coffee County. Trump allies accessed voting equipment in Coffee County and copied and distributed data, which experts have said could make the voting systems more vulnerable to attacks. Powell was allegedly involved in organizing the effort to go to Coffee County and access its data, prosecutors claim, and the forensics firm SullivanStrikler, which carried out the alleged breach, charged her PAC Defending the Republic $26,000 for copying the voting data. In addition to the criminal charges against her, Powell also faces multiple defamation lawsuits for her post-election activities, has been sanctioned for a lawsuit she brought in Michigan, and faced an effort to disbar her in Texas, which ultimately failed.

Further Reading

What the Heck Happened in Coffee County, Georgia? (Lawfare)

Giuliani, Powell, And Trump’s Other Attorneys Criminally Charged — After Years Of Efforts To Punish Them For 2020 Election Roles (Forbes)

New Surveillance Video Shows Georgia ‘Fake Elector’ Helping Trump Operatives Breach Voting Data (Forbes)

Georgia Bail Bondsman’s Guilty Plea in Trump Case Signals Bad News for Other Co-Defendants (The Messenger)
