This week on She-Hulk, we had perhaps a less controversial episode, now that we’re getting into actual MCU stuff with the return of Emil Blonsky and connections to the events of Shang-Chi.
But what everyone really wants to know is…where is Hulk going in that spaceship?
I need to just state the obvious. She-Hulk is setting up a World War Hulk project in the future starring Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner.
The problem? That Hulk project does not officially exist yet, even with the grand calendar of the next few years of the MCU laid out at SDCC this year, due to a few different complications.
World War Hulk
Here are the facts:
- That ship is indeed from Sakaar and likely taking Hulk back there now. Sakaar being the Thor Ragnarok planet where he fought Thor in a gladiator match.
- That film already borrowed many elements from World War Hulk, but there has been no full adaptation of that famed Hulk comic storyline. But many aspects found there have all been teased very recently in the MCU, besides what we’re seeing with She-Hulk here.
- One aspect of that story is the Illuminati being made to fight to the death, with Multiverse of Madness just introducing that group (well, a now-dead version of that group, but still).
- Another character in the story is Hercules, which Thor Love and Thunder introduced in its post-credits scene, played by Ted Lasso actor Brett Goldstein.
- There is some speculation that Disney is planning to scoop up rights to standalone Hulk films from Universal next year.
- And when Mark Ruffalo has been asked about returning for World War Hulk, he’s given a very enthusiastic yes:
What’s likely happening is that Disney probably does want to do World War Hulk and probably will do World War Hulk, but they may need to sort some things out with Universal and then figure out how to rework he storyline to fit with what happened in Thor Ragnarok’s Sakaar story. And it’s not on that calendar because too many details are up in the air right now. I also do not believe that She-Hulk would have been given this much free reign to clearly tee up Hulk’s return to Sakaar if something like this was not the overall intention. You don’t just randomly put stuff like this in your MCU show to try to “hint hint” you way into getting another project made. It’s a plan, it’s always a plan.
So no, World War Hulk may not technically exist yet, but I’m willing to bet a $700 million box office that it will, someday. And this is the kick-off.
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