I’d put the 150-strong Forbes newsroom up against any in journalism. We encourage our reporters to pursue impact, whether as investigative watchdogs, savvy storytellers or definitive Forbes list creators. Criticizing and championing, we’re a positive force for entrepreneurial capitalism, that engine of innovation and prosperity.
Our ability to focus on deep-dive projects stems in part from our unique daily system. First, a couple dozen breaking-news reporters jump on whatever happens, in real time, with a Forbes take. Beyond that is our 2,400-plus network of contributors—Ph.D. economists, bestselling authors, hotshot gamers—who bring expertise to hundreds of topics. On any given day, some 300 contributor pieces shoot across our digital channels.
Think of it as the world’s largest op-ed desk. Rather than curating each article one by one, we curate the people who write for us regularly, all on a paid contract, so they’re ready to go when something newsworthy happens in their coverage zone.
Jeffrey Marcus
This year, we doubled down with a dedicated team devoted to bringing the best minds and great articles to our audience. Leading the charge is Assistant Managing Editor Jeffrey Marcus, who came to us from the New York Times, where he helped develop many of its most innovative editorial offerings. He has big plans for his team, which includes Forbes veterans like Helen Popkin and newcomers like Chris Gentilviso, the former opinion editor at the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “Expertise comes in different forms; we’ll find ways to mine all of them,” he says.
He has three goals. First, to bring you the most insightful people in the most vital areas. Second, to deliver journalism that makes you smarter and better at your job, and at life. And finally, to present diverse voices in many formats. “You shouldn’t have to read 1,500 words when five images will enable you to move forward with confidence,” he says.
It’s all very exciting, at a time when journalism should be exciting. These efforts will go a long way to help shape the next chapter of great Forbes journalism.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2022/09/26/the-worlds-largest-op-ed-desk-shaping-the-future-of-forbes-contributor-network/